A Secret?

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Tomika's POV

After our hug Zack and I head to our table, but we decided on one thing. That we would keep us a secret. Let me explain. You see I don't want the others to meddle in on our relationship. I mean I love them to death, but it would be nice to just have our relationship between us. 

At least until I feel comfortable telling them. Zack wants to tell them but I just am not ready to hear Summer squealing from point A to point B. Thankfully he agrees but I had to make a deal with him...

I am not telling you the deal!

Zack's POV

Okay so the deal (A/N: I am just writing this because it is just too funny not to write this. That and because I am showing you how excited Zack is about the deal) is that if we keep our relationship a secret then I get to choose her outfit for a week. I am putting her in a dress no matter if she kills me or not. This will be hysterical because I have never seen Tomika in a dress. I have seen her in the uniform skirt but that is the closest thing to a dress. 

This should be good. 

Tomika's POV

I bet Zack told you the deal. Oh well... Now you know. I swear to all things that is good if he puts me in a dress I am killing the boy. Or not. We'll see. 

Once we got to the table everyone looked at us like they were anticipating something. I wonder what they want though... (A/N: Wait for it)Oh... (A/N: There we go)

We left to talk about our relationship. Maybe I should have thought it through when I wanted to keep our relationship a secret. Oh well. Time to lie to my friends. This should be great (-_-). *Sigh* Here we go. "Hey guys. What did we miss?" I asked trying not to be suspicious. 

"Nothing much. But um... WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?!" Summer yells at us and I swear everyone in the courtyard turned towards us once Summer yelled. I gave everyone the "say-anything-and-I-swear-I-will-cut-you" look. 

Once that look unlocked everyone went back to their own business.  "Sorry. We had to show the new guy to his class. And no he is not in our class." Zack explains while looking at his now cold food. Unlike me, he had grabbed the meat and now it looks freakier than it first came out. Good thing he was smart and threw it away. My salad was okay and I got to finish it before anymore questions were asked and I threw it away afterwards. 

"Okay, so what about your relationship? Are you guys official or what?" Lawrence asked.

"No we decided to be just friends. Sorry to burst your bubble." I said wishing I could tell the truth but I am just not ready.

Summer's POV

I don't believe her. I mean I love Tomiks but I know her too well. She must be keeping a secret. Maybe her and Zack are in a secret relationship. Oh well. If they want to keep it a secret it is their business. For now I am keeping my eye on her. 

"So what about the reunion? How are you going to fake that romance between you two?" I asked trying to prove my suspicions correct. 

"Easy. I am still going because I made a promise to Zack. We can still fake the chemistry because that is how close of friends we are." Tomika replies with a smug smirk on her face. Dang it! She probably knows that I am suspicious. Keep it cool Summer.

"Okay but explain how you are going to explain the break up." I retort back.

"Again another easy fix. The family just needs to know she exist. No need to explain any break up. Give or take a year and they will probably forget we were  ever a couple." Zack answers this time. How are they so advanced in thinking? 

The bell rings which means it is time for class again. We all got up and got ready to head to class because it is time to hear the song that Tomika and Zack wrote. 

*Skip the song because I am a lazy author and because I do not want to have to copy and paste the song again*

Tomika's POV

Zack and I just finished the song and it went great. *Sigh* My boyfriend is great at singing. *SMACK* Focus Tomika no time to act like Summer. 

"That was great you guys. Okay tomorrow is Summer and Freddy. Also we are swapping seats because the end of the school year is coming soon and I feel like if I get the new seat assignment in I can definitely be ahead of the game. That and because we can jam more instead of me having to do actual teacher stuff." Mr. Finn said and started packing up his bag which meant talking time. 

I sat on my desk and faced towards my friends who were crowding around my desk. "Hey we should totally do something after school today! I can text my mom and ask if she can drive us to the mall." Sum suggested. 

"I'm in." Freddy and Lawrence said at the same time. 

"Maybe. I have to check with my mom. Considering that in two weeks school is over and I have to help her plan the end of the year barbeque." I say. Which is not a lie it is just that I was also planning on asking Zack if he wants to come over also to hang out and maybe help out with planning. 

"I can't go to the mall. I am writing a new song for the band and I want to finish it." Zack says.

"Bummer," Sum starts and the bell rings, "well we will see you both tomorrow. Come on Freddy and Lawrence I am calling my mom to see if she can pick us up." The three of them left and everyone soon followed leaving only Zack and I.

"Hey. Do you want to come over? I can help you with the song and if you don't mind wanting to help my mom and I out." I ask Zack.

"Sure. I'll text my dad." Zack replied. I got off the desk and started packing my bag. 

Zack's POV

I texted my dad and he was pretty cool with me going to Tomika's to "study for exams." In reality we are probably just going to hang out and chill with music. Not going to write the song in front of her though. It is a secret song for her (A/N: WHERE IS CAN I FIND A ZACK IN REAL LIFE?! SERIOUSLY!) Don't tell her though!

"I can go." I told her when she turned towards me. "Cool. My mom is outside so she can drive us to the house." Tomika says. I smile at her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She wraps her arms around my neck. "How did I get so lucky?"  I smiled. 

"I don't know. The same way I got lucky to be with you." She smiles back and stands on her tippy toes to give me a kiss on the cheek. She lets go (as do I) and grabs her stuff. I grab my stuff and we head to her mom's car.

????'s POV

I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey lovelies!!!!!! Yeah it is a miracle I am actually updating! I know I know. I promised to actually write more this summer but I have been busy. I am on vacation and I just got over my writer's block. But in other news I will give you the special chapter for Freddy and Summer it is still a work in progress but it will be coming soon. Now for the dreadful part. If anyone has any ideas or thoughts about the story comment them down below or DM me. No idea is a bad idea and I will give credit to those who give me ideas. Thank you!!! Bye lovelies!!!!!!!! 

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