Chapter 15

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My breath hitched in my throat and my eyes widened.

"Did you just say, that we're going to San Francisco also known as the place where my hell started?" I questioned. 

"Yes," they all responded.

"Why the hell would you do that?" I asked.

"Wasn't it Justin and Jackson's birthday just a few weeks ago?" Vivian asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Then there's your reason. And we also contacted Ella and asked if they were hosting a party and turns out they are! In two days! And that's why we're leaving tomorrow," Vivian said.

"TOMORROW?" I shouted.

"Well of course. And don't worry, your aunt and uncle are fine with it after we told them it was a family thing," Vivian said.

My heart was thumping loudly and it couldn't seem to stop.

"I-I-I" I started. But I stopped myself. It was time to reinvent myself once again, and I had to show them the real Melody. The one with caring people behind her. "Lets start packing!"

I got up from Alec's lap and ran towards my closet to get my suitcase.

"How long are we leaving?" I asked.

"One week," Alec said. I nodded and started picking out all the items of clothing I'd wear; including ones I'd wear to parties.

In total, I had six tops, and six bottoms. I also had three party outfits. I packed all my makeup and accessories; and of course my pyjamas. And I also added in some bikinis and a pair of heels and flip flops.

Once I was packed and ready to go, I sat on my bed waiting for the others. They finally came in, and sat on the bed with me.

"We are leaving tomorrow at four in the morning," Nate stated. "So we have to leave at one."

"You mean twelve," I said.

"No; in Italy no one chooses to leave early in the morning, we'll be okay," he said. I shrugged and we just sat there in silence.

"Mel I'm sorry we didn't tell you before, we were hoping it'd be a fun surprise but then Leslie ruined it," Vivian said.

"No, no don't say that. I was just taken aback. It was really sweet of you guys, I'm excited, trust me," I said.

"Are you sure? We ca-"

"Seriously! I'm happy to be going back! I get to see Ella, and my mom, and it's just going to be great!"

They all looked at me with sympathetic faces.

"Okay," Alec said. "By the way, do you want to stay at your mom's house or at a hotel?"

"Mom's. She has an extra bedroom besides mine that we can use," I said.

"She only has two spare bed rooms?" Vivian asked.

"Yup. Mine and the guest one," I said. "So we will just have to share."

The rest of the night carried on with laughs, card games, and fatigue.

"Ok guys, I think I'm gonna go to bed," I said. "Wake me at twelve okay?"

"It's only eleven, you might as well stay up." Vivian said.

"No thanks, I'd rather have one hour of sleep than no hours," I said and walked into my room.

I laid down in my bed and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath and let everything hit me; I was really going back to San Fransisco.

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