5 AM Promise

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I sit in the middle of my room for days on end. My phones blowing up constantly but none of it is Calum. I'm the only one home for a week, I've been smoking the rest of my Mary Jane. I feel like my room is spiraling down around me, but I still lay here still high thinking it would take him off my mind. I was wrong, I could only think about him. Me tugging his hair just enough to make him moan, the taste of his tongue on mine. Heavy breathing being exchanged between us, fogging up any room we would be in. His lips pressing up against mine slowly going down my body, taking his time his hands run freely over my body I tug on his hair slightly he makes me lose control of my body. The smoke of Mary Jane has completely taken over my room. Tears come streaming down my face uncontrollably all I want to do is be with Calum go everywhere he goes. He makes me feel safe when I'm with him here I feel unloved and unwanted. I don't know why he hasn't answered I crawl over to my phone it has 50 missed calls 20 voicemails over hundreds of texts.. Some read "Babe? Are you okay?" others read "That's it I'm coming to your house right now. You haven't answered my calls I'm worried sick. I'm getting you and we're leaving." I just laid back down on my floor staring at the ceiling the doors are all unlocked. I fall asleep for a while until I hear footsteps running up the stairs I open my eyes everythings a blur and I can see Calum waving his hands as he comes into my room full of clouds of Mary Jane. I see that he'd trying to talk to me, but I honestly am so high out of my mind I don't know what he's saying. The next thing I know I'm being carried down the stairs, my body feels so weak maybe because I haven't eaten in a few days.. The sunlight hits my face he sets me down on the ground to open the door to his black Range Rover. He runs back to me picks up my limp body and puts me in the back seat. I'm finally going to be gone from this hell hole of a home. I fall asleep in the back seat I just couldn't hold my eyes open any more. When I wake up I'm in a hospital bed hooked up to a few machines I feel my head spinning I look over to see Calum holding my hand. I give his a quick squeeze he looks up with a slight smile I start to cough and soon after I start throwing up. Cal grabs a bucket and brings it to my mouth. I don't remember eating anything. When I finish I look over to Cal, " I didn't eat anything for a while where did this food come from?" He had a tear stream down his cheek took a deep breath in and sighed, " They had to hook you up to a food pump. You passed out from lack of food being high on Marijuana didn't help you. They charged you to be here for a few more days love, then they said I get uh..." his voice fell "You get what Cal?" He picked his head up with a smile, " I get full custody over you. You don't have any guardians, and due to lack of care at your home your family could be charged with neglect if you choose to do so. We don't have to talk about this anymore Nate. You need to rest and don't worry I'm not going to leave your bed side." He squeezed my hand tightly and place his other one on top. I couldn't believe it I really am going to get out of this place Calum is not only my boyfriend but my legal guardian, only until I turn 18 which is in a few more months. We sit in silence I feel my body telling me I need to rest I pat the bed for Calum to come up and sleep with me. He did and he cuddled up behind me his warm embrace held me so tightly that I could see myself falling asleep like this every day. The next three days my family came by to see me and apologize, I got a few minutes alone with them saying I wouldn't press charges but that I really didn't want to hear from them until they've fully accepted me for me. They agreed to those terms and left relieved. I spent almost every waking hour with Dr's and Calum being fed through a tube five times a day slowly increasing the amount of food each day. Having to watch Calum agree that he would be held responsible if I didn't eat the bare minimum amount of food per day. He agreed and signed paper my parents also signed giving Calum the rights to basically be my parent. That's kind of weird to think about my boyfriend is in a roundabout way my parent. Nonetheless he's one person I wouldn't mind calling Daddy. I get released from the hospital, in the car he stays completely quiet but holds my hand tightly. The radio isn't playing the only thing on is the air conditioner. We get onto the freeway and start heading towards the bigger part of the city. I assumed that he was in the middle of touring until he got really concerned about me and came to my rescue. He looks over to me with a stern look on his face, " Babe if you ever do this again to yourself and you're with me, I just don't think I can take the thought of almost losing you. Ever... You're broken and I know that but when you break yourself it doesn't just affect you anymore it affects me I care so much about you. I just want to see you get better." I grip his hand look at the clock it's 5 am, then I look down to my feet. I feel tears streaming down my face. I look up to Calum and take a deep breath in, " Calum I'm making you a five am promise. I will never ever do this again to us. You make me strong when I'm weak, but I know I can't always be weak I know you're going to need me to be strong for you too." Each of us have tears flowing down our faces. He puts the car in park and leans in towards me. He slides his hand up my arm to my neck and gives me a kiss. Our tears meet on our lips, he pulls away so slowly takes a breath in and says, "Are you ready to start a new chapter in your life now baby?" I nod yes he comes around and opens the door to help me out of the car. We walk hand in hand to the jet.

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