After the concert

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Once they had finished that very fun, emotional rollercoaster. I still couldn't get over how loud the crowd had cheered when Calum kissed me. I knew right at that moment he was going to catch me, but not only him catching me, he was going to make us fly. I didn't really have wings unless wings with tears, and holes. I just couldn't believe that Calum chose me, there where so many other people, and I didn't understand. Once they performed their oncore the crowd roared for more. Once again I felt hands going under my body, I surffed the crowed, all the way up to the stage everyone was yelling for Calum to come back out onto the stage. I was red in the face, I didn't know what to do or say. I just wished that I could understand why all the girls in our fandom shipped us so hard yet they didn't even know us. I couldn't see how they shipped me with him I mean I'm not the perfectest human here, I have cuts that are visible. I'm showing off every part of me that I don't like. I don't want to be hated on for it, but then thinking about it they all feel for me too. I was in love with the fans but they also loved me back. Calum came back out and looked right at me, I smiled as he looked at me. He came by me, and when he came towards me he crawled at me like a lion and picked me up by the waist, he pointed at my friend Maddie and laughed evily as he ran away. As he was running away with me on his shoulders he spun around pointed at Maddie and ran off, yelling, "Ashton! Come on and get your girl!!" I heard Maddie laughing, the crowd came around and gave Ashton Maddie the crow started to chant, "Kiss Kiss, KISS! AHHHHHH!!" When they came backstage, they where smiling like crazy holding hands until, they realized that all of us where watching them. Maddie turned as red as Ashton. They where so cute together I didn't want to go home to my crazy family who all they can do to me is hate me. I hated living their I just was such a teenage dirtbag to them, I didn't want to live there I might as well just run away. I really couldn't think about it, I didn't want to think about it this was the night Calum kissed me on stage and acctually carried me away. I was so in love I think he is too but at the same time I can't be sure. I missed his lips already I just wanted to sleed with him every night, wake up next to him each morning. Ugh enough day dreaming. I need to just sit here and watch the fans fall in love with all of us together, my best friend falling in love with Claum's best friend, so in love with the idea of that. We laughed backstage with all of the lovely people. Until sadly, we had to go home..

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