That Night

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That night I was thinking about those three words that Calum had said to me. Those three words where just oh so beautiful. I was so happy that he said those three words and on that peice of paper I couldn't even believe that had happened to me. I am still trying to catch my breath in order to do as he had asked. Those three words he said to me where, "Call me... Please."  The peice of paper had his phone number written onto it. I didn't even show Maddie or tell her what he said to me. I guess she figured that it was I love you or something like that. I sat alone in my room looking at the blades that I have used so many times on myself, I looked in the mirror trying to see what Calum Hood saw in me. I couldn't  even see anything of what he had seen in me, but he had to have seen something in order to give me his real number and whisper in my ear with such hope and lust in his voice and eyes. I look down at my phone wondering if I dial the number and call or just send a text. His words where for me to call but I don't know if I even could get a word out from my mouth. I look in the mirror on last time and look at the blade. I look at the pain I have caused myself to go thrugh Before I Call I change into my pj's. I start to cry a little bit, then I dial the number my heart beat feels like it's going to take off. Each ring on the phone my tears start to drown me. Then it stops ringing and I hear one familiar voice say,


I'm screaming on the inside I try as calmly as possibly to speak but instead this comes out of my mouth,... "Hi uh hey um hello, remember me I'm that guy that you gave your number to uh hmmm so uh hi."  once that all came out I really couldn't believe I sounded so stupid, I start to mumble to myself..  I can hear Calum laughing on the other end.  I stop mumbling and ask him, "What is so funny?" He pauses before he answers my question.

"I'm sorry Nate is it?"

"yes?" I said with a shakey voice.

"Hah well okay, Nate I really think you should close your blinds next time you change."

I ran to my window and there was a black SUV slowly driving by I could barely make it out but I saw Calum's profile. I asked him on the phone if it was him he just laughed and told me to go check my door. So I ran down the stairs and looked down on the floor there was an envelope sealed tight with my name on it in very nice hand writing. I picked it up and carried into my room. I was very gentle and quiet, no one knew I was awake. I quietly shut my door and look at my phone the phone call with Calum had ended, but I saw a text from his phone number saying, "I hope I see you there. I love you. ;)" I open up the envolope and tears start to stream down my face.

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