The Next Morning

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I kept on reading the letter he sent to me and I took a deep breath, I couldn't stop reading it. This is what was written on it,

Dear Nate,

I know it isn't much but, here are two VIP all acsess pass tickets for you and a friend. For our next bigish show tomorrow night. I want you to know that I don't know what it is about you but you've got that one thing. I honestly can not wait to see you and those beautiful eyes. If it is okay with your family I'd like to take you on our tour with One Direction. You'd be beackstage or in the front row of all of their concerts this summer. We could teach you many many things (if you and I aren't doing other things) (; Nate I really hope you do enjoy the show. I feel like I should also inform you that my phone number does change quiet a lot now. But I will always call you from all kinds of different numbers. See you soon.

Calum Hood

I cried and looked in the mirror before I got dressed, I looked out my window there wasn't anyone standing outside no cars parked along the street. I closed the blinds just to be safe. I put on my best clothes, I went down the stairs to talk to my parents. I knew if I told them I wanted to go tour with boy bands they woulen't believe me. Then I thought about it, I thought about how little they cared about me and my saftey. I decided just to talk to Maddie and have her help me tell my parents this news, and have her lie to say she's going to be there with me. I knew it was wrong, because she wouldn't be but I felt like I needed to go. Her as my best friend she agreed to help me. I started to cry and laugh at lunch. I hugged her and thanke her just for that I gave her the ticket for VIP passes, then we where both laughing and crying. I couldn't wait for school to be over.

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