Sun Rise

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Once we got on the jet the whole band greeted me. Everyone was so calm and quiet. No one said a word, they all waved with their headphones on I waved back with a slight smile. I held onto Cal's hand as we neared the seats I let out a sigh of relief. I sat next to the window and stared solemnly as we left my tiny town. I leaned my head up against the window, never letting go of Calum's hand. I feel his head rest onto my shoulder, I can hear his breathing, I feel his warm breath on the side of my neck giving me goosebumps. His head slowly got heavier and heavier, his breathing more relaxed. I glance over at him to see he's fallen asleep on me. I smile and think about how lucky I am to have him standing by my side, how many other people there are that would do anything for everything I have. I watch the night sky disappear as the morning sun peeks at the ground and slowly rises. It's now 7 am. Cal still resting on me even though I am beyond sore I stay still, I don't want to close my eyes. Looking at his lips, to his cheeks to his resting eyes. He's so peacefully asleep and dreaming in a far off place, but he's here by me. It feels like it's just him and I in the jet. I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of him. It's as if I'm seeing him for the first time every time I look at him. His big lips that I love to kiss, his bushy eyebrows, his cute cheeks that are so plush and perfect, his jawline that I love to leave hickeys on How could I forget those deep brown eyes that are irresistible the eyes that can see through me deep into my soul making my heart skip a beat. I look back to the sun rise piercing over the clouds so majestically, I hear Calum stirring around I turn my head back towards him. I see his eyes opening up, the way the morning sun hit his dark brown eyes made them seem so alive. He looks at me and smiles, I smile back at him. We sit in silence not even a few moments pass and he closes the one window that I kept open. He takes my hand in his and stands up, he leads me to the back the jet. I'm so confused as to where he could be taking me, until I see a huge bed in a jet. Okay so it may not be the worlds biggest bed but for a jet, to have a bed in it. I let go of Calum's hand and run to the bed. It was so plush and soft I grabbed onto the pillow and closed my eyes. I hear Calum's voice as he's clubbing into the other side, "I take it you didn't get much sleep on the seats out there." I let out a deep moan, "No I didn't I stayed awake the entire time. Oh by the way, good morning." I opened up my eyes to see his looking at me, I lean in closer to him and give him a slight kiss. Calum puts his hand on my face, "Is this what I have to look forward to for the rest of my life?" he said, with a smile. I let out a tiny laugh, " I guess you'll have to wait and see till, your last day." I close my eyes and move in closer to his chest. "I can do that." He said, with his raspy morning voice. I was so tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. I was just praying that none of this was all a big dream.

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