The Best Night I've Ever had

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They played covers of songs and they where loud and energetic. It was totally worth me waiting all day. I just wanted to be saved by my angel with no wings. I was falling for Calum and I was falling fast and hard. I couldn't contorl my emotions when Calum started to talk into the mic saying, "This next song is dedicated to someone in this crowd right now." All of the girls just died and searched for a boy, cause everyone knew he was gay... Some by the name of Maddie shouted above the crowd, "HERE IS THE BOY WHO THIS SONG IS DEDICATED TO!" All the girls stopped screaming, and stared at me. I looked around until one girl went for my legs another got my back then everyone pitched in and carried me all the way up to the stage. I stood up and looked right at Calum my face was so red. Before they could start singging I grabbed the mic and said, "The girl over their yeah her names Maddie and she needs to get her butt up here with me." The girls didn't fail me they got her right up next to me. She pushed me towards Calum and I shoved her towards Ashton. "Are we now ready to sing everybody?!?" Calum shouted into the mic. All the girls screamed, slowly the music started. I knew this song it was a One Direction song... It was Moments. I started to cry this song ment so much to me I have listened to it many times crying with the blade in my hand. The songs meaning is about how a girl has commited suicide and her boyfriend was so in love with her that he followed her footsteps and couldn't live without her. It was like Romeo and Juliet just the other way around... Calum's voice cracked when he sang the song he even started to cry. As well did I. I really couldn't believe this was my life. I eventuallty had to get off the stage. Before I did Calum grabbed my waist and pulled me in and kissed me! In front of all those fans!! I couldn't breath my heart was pounding, I just stared at him in aw the whole entire show. He had confidence, he had strength, but best of all he had love for me.

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