Lies Laying In Love

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I woke up to the smell of coffee and breakfast. I rolled over with tired eyes and my arm reaching for Cal. But instead the bed feels cold where he was laying, I never woke up so fast before. I didn't know where I was or if it was all a dream I started to cry, I tried to open my eyes to see where I am but I couldn't fight through the tears that where pouring out. I brought my legs into my body to sit up, I felt like I couldn't breath. Had this all just been one fucked up dream? It couldn't be.. could it? I sit still feeling my tears hit my face, to my legs. I feel a warm hand touch my back, followed the hand where words, "Babe are you okay? What's wrong? Nate, talk to me.." I look up to see Calum looking at me with a concerned face, "I thought.. everything was a dream, all of it I thought you where a dream. I realise how silly that must've been considering it's been such a long processes to get to the point we're at. But I still felt as though this is something I would dream about. His arms wrap around my body, "Nate I promised you I would never leave you.." his voice fell soft, "I just want you to feel safe, I know our road getting here was one of the hardest patches I've ever had to deal with, but you're worth it. I promise you're safe with me." The last of my tears where streaming down my cheeks onto my lips. I turn to look at his face. He looks at me with a smile and a slight laugh, "Babe, have I ever told you. You're beautiful when you cry?" I let out a laugh, "What!? No I am so ugly when I cry, stop!" I say with laughter in my words. I love how he could make me laugh and feel like being sad and depressed or even full of anxiety was nothing. I felt like I could conquer anything with him by my side. He held me for what only few like a few moments but after the smell of coffee and breakfast died down, I realized how late it must be. I was still tired from staying up super late watching Cal sleep peacefully on my shoulder. I was trying not to fall asleep in his arms, until I simply could no longer hold my head up any more, my eyes slowly fell closed shortly after. I felt slight movement behind me, "Nate, I know we've been sitting in here for a few hours and you're still tired, but we can go to the hotel and then take a nap?" His voice soft yet deep. I open my eyes with hesitation, giving him a nod of agreement. "Maybe they left us something to eat." I said. Cal let out a laugh, "I don't think you've toured with us long enough first come, first serve." I rolled out of bed and sat up to change out of my pjs, until Cal gave me a funny look, "You realize all of your luggage is in the car right?" His grin growing wider watching me tear off my shirt. "Oh" I replied feeling my face get red. We go to the car the last two in, the car with the boys giving us looks as if we had hooked up on the jet. On the way to the hotel I can't keep my eyes open. I fall asleep and oddly enough wake up in a bed, alone I look to the space next to me there's a note that read,

"Hey babe! 

You fell asleep in the car and I didn't have the heart to wake you, so instead I just brought you into the bedroom of the hotel. The lads and I are out at practice and we won't get back till around 12 tonight feel free to rome around the hotel. I'm so sorry to just up and leave you but I can't miss our practices.

Love you bunches! Cal"

I couldn't believe that I was that heavy of a sleeper to sleep through getting up into the hotel and, just everything. I never used to be a heavy sleeper even the slightest noises or movements would wake me up. I guess maybe that's just how unsafe I felt at home, now that I'm with someone I'm head over heels about. I don't know it's different, I feel safer then I ever had. I feel like I have found the one person who has made me happiest in life not just because he's famous, or because he's rich, but because I'm getting to know him as a person. I'm seeing a side only millions of people wish they could see. He's not perfect, but to me he's more then I could've ever asked for. I look at my phone it's six o'clock I get up from the bed and look around. I see multiple doors and all of them are closed, all but one. I walk into the open door frame, "Ah yes the bathroom." I say aloud even though I'm all alone with no one to hear anything I say. I take off my clothes and turn the shower, only to realize it was a rain shower! I was so excited to be alone and in a new place, it was such an amazing experience that I have with Calum being my ride or die.. After my shower I walk around the empty clean room, I see a balcony door that was just calling my name. I headed out in my towel to see where about I am. Not to my surprise I was at the highest floor and I could see everything  from here, I saw the pool which was such a bright blue. I couldn't believe I was out of my life all of the hurt I have been in the amount of pure judgement I felt each day. Now I'm here thriving a healthy life style. My family is out of sight but not out of my mind, I know they didn't want to accept me for who I am, but it didn't mean that I stopped loving them.. I wish they would accept me for once, I know it won't be on my terms... I guess there's no turning back now.. I'm here to start over, a new life that is dying to be written.

The End
Author's Questions and Comments;
What do you guys think will happen?
Should I write more of this story?
I'm sorry it's taking forever for me to write I'm more of a short story kind of writer, I did this because an old friend asked me to. I hope you enjoyed the story love. The rest is up to you and where your true happiness will lead you.

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