13. Jane Doe

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I walked with my groceries in my bag, I stopped as a television store played a tape of Michael and Lincoln being driven to Fox River.

I breathed shakily as Michael was on the screen before I kept walking.

I thought about how they were being transported today, and they were going through Albuquerque.

I shouldn't follow them, but I knew Michael had to have some kind of plan to get out of this mess.

I stopped at a garbage can and threw away all of my identification.

When I got back to my room, I turned the television on again and heard them talking about how Michael and Lincoln somehow got out of the van they were being transported in.


I woke up after falling asleep after I got back from getting groceries, to a soothing voice.

"Much blame has been placed on another innocent person," I sat up quickly and turned the volume up after hearing Michael on the t.v.

It was a tape of him and Lincoln.

They weren't being held ransom or anything, they were just explaining their situation.

"Rosa Young." He spoke and my lips slightly parted before I moved to the edge of the bed, leaning closer.

"Rosa, if you're listening, I know I can't ask you for another chance, I can only hope by now, you've found your safe haven. I took advantage of you, of your commitment to help others, and it turned into a nightmare. I wish I could do things differently, but it's too late for that now. It's too late for you and for others. I've considered many ways to apologize but I must arrive at one." I smiled because it was a secret message.

I got out my book about how you deal with a drug addict, because my brother used to use, but he O.Ded.

I deciphered the message and he wanted me to meet him at St. Thomas Hospital in Akron, Ohio at one.

But I knew I couldn't make it there in time.


"Michael Crane, you have a phone call. Repeat- Michael Crane, you have a phone call." I heard a woman on the PA system announce in the hospital.

I tapped my fingers impatiently as I sat on my bed in my motel room.

"This is Mr. Crane." I heard him speak on the other side and I leaned my head back as I sighed with relief.

"It sounded better than origami." I smiled.

"Even if you got the message I wasn't sure you'd respond." He spoke.

"I couldn't get to you in time, this is the only thing I could think of."

"I swore I'd leave you alone," He sighed, "But I had to contact you."

"Because I have something?" I asked, "How'd you know?"

"Michael, back in Gila, I was coming back to you. Somebody grabbed me and they.." I cleared my throat, "They told me that my father had given me something."

"Did someone hurt you?" He asked lowly.

"I-I got away." I breathed deeply, "Michael, I want for this to be over." I spoke quietly with my eyes closed.

"That makes two of us." He spoke.

"Do you think that's possible?" I asked with tears stinging my eyes.

Innocence - Book two // prison break Where stories live. Discover now