14. Chicago

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I sat on the sidelines as Kellerman went up to the conductor and told him he'll need a full car to transport some fugitives to Chicago.

"Hey." Lincoln sat beside me on the bench, "Hey, Lincoln." I lightly smiled over at him after wiping my eyes.

"It's gonna be alright." He spoke in a reassuring tone.

"If you say so." I smiled at him before looking back at the ground.

"We're going to use him to get what we need, then we dump him." He said looking over at Kellerman and Michael.

He fixed his hat as he sighed, "I'm sorry you got involved in this." He said as I looked over at him, "The fact that you're helping us, it means a lot." He spoke.

"Thank you." He said before he hugged me.

That's right, the big bad killer reached over and embraced me.

A whistle made us break apart, "Let's go." Kellerman said and we both got us and walked to the empty car.

I went and sat across from Michael while Lincoln went into a different row.

"We'll be in Chicago in about five hours. You'll want to get some rest." Kellerman said as I ignored him.

I saw Kellerman sit so I could see him so I moved nervously before moving to the seat in front of me, sitting as closely as I could to Michael.

"You okay?" He asked looking down at me with our hands clasping together.

I looked up at him and slowly nodded.


"Michael," I spoke quietly, bringing him out of his thoughts, "Can you show me where the bathroom is?" I asked and he nodded.

Lincoln was asleep and Kellerman looked like he was dozing off as well.

He stood up and I followed his every move, our hands latched together still.

He walked me down a dark hall before he showed me a high-class bathroom, especially for a train.

I thanked him before he leaned down and kissed me, "Do you want to talk?" He asked as he followed me in.

I smiled, "What I really want to do is strangle Kellerman. Because when I see his face- I see him pushing me underwater..." I sighed as I sat on the sinks.

"The last few hours I've been thinking a lot- evaluating more so." I said playing with my own hands.

"A few months ago, I was about to become a cop. My sister just had her baby and my stepdad was as proud as he's ever been of me." I said looking out at the trees that passed by at a quick speed.

"You can get that back. All of it." Michael said and I looked over at him.

"You need to believe that." "Do you believe that? Do you think you can get it all back?" I asked.

"I choose to have faith," He said walking over and sitting next to me, "Because without that I have nothing." He said and I looked up at him.

"You're the only things that's keeping me going." He looked over at me, "Well, I have two things to keep me going. The first is I want the people who killed my father." I said looking at the ground.

"The second thing is, well.." I chuckled.

"My sister, when she knew I was going to a men's penitentiary, the first thing she told me was to not fall in love with an inmate." I chuckled softly.

Innocence - Book two // prison break Where stories live. Discover now