7. Buried

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Michael left to go check on T-bag after they reached the silo's foundation, and when he was gone, we heard a car pull up into the driveway.

"Rosa." Lincoln spoke and I nodded.

I walked outside and peeked around the corner to see a younger female officer get out of her on duty car.

I worried that the woman that kept hitting on all the guys had called 911.

She turned and started walking up the driveway and I gasped before going inside.

"Cop." I sighed as I closed the door quietly.

"I'll go get Michael." I said as everyone looked around at each other.

I walked into the living room and no one was in there so I went up stairs to find T-bag holding the flirty woman, Jeanette, hostage with a small hammer.

"It's our only way out of this, love birds." T-bag said as I went and stood by Michael.

Jeanette tried to yell for help T-bag stuck his half dead hand up to her mouth, "You try that again, I'll pry those vocal chords out right out of your throat." He threatened her as I looked to see the Officer was about to come into the house.

"I know her," I said looking up at Michael, "We, uh, went to the academy together." I spoke quickly, tying to remember her name.

"Hey, mom, are you home?" We heard the officer holler as she walked into the home.

All three of us criminals looked at each other with worry.

"Stay here.. Stay quiet." Michael said to all of us.

We heard her come up the stairs quietly, getting suspicious.

Jeanette suddenly yelled, and Michael grabbed my arm because he knew an armed police officer was about to come find a few convicts holding her mom hostage.

As the door opened quickly, Michael pulled me behind him, hiding me from the gun she pointed.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Michael said as he put his hands up.

"Back away and put your hands up." She demanded.

I hid my face as she came in, "Just go easy." Michael spoke nervously, "Go nothing." T-bag said as he still held the woman hostage.

"She ain't the ones carrying the cards here." He smirked, she told him to back away and put his hands up again.

"If I put my hands up, gonna take her jugular with it." T-bag threatened.

"I don't want anyone to do anything stupid, alright?" She said before Sucre grabbed her, she elbowed him before pointing the gun at his head and telling him to not move.

When her attention was on him, Lincoln grabbed her from behind, and he was a big guy.

He got the gun out of her hand and held her in a lock so she couldn't grab anything.

I sighed as I rested my face on Michael's back, they took both women downstairs and tied their hands and feet together before putting a gag in their mouth.

Innocence - Book two // prison break Where stories live. Discover now