20. SONA pt.1

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I tied up the boat with the backpack on my shoulders, I glanced at the warehouse I was about to enter.

I jogged over, I glanced at my watch before I tossed the money in a corner, where nobody would find it.

I jogged over to the warehouse and climbed the short flight of stairs before I opened the door.

I walked in to see Mahone leaning on pole as Linc sat on the floor, dozing off since it was early in the day.

Lincoln woke up when the door closed behind me, he stood up and dusted himself off, Mahone tried to step away from the pole to get a better look but he was cuffed to a pipe that ran alone the beam.

I smiled as I looked over at him.

"You did this?" I asked Lincoln as I walked over and hugged him.

"It was all her, man." He said and my smile faded as I looked to see where he was pointing.

And there she was, as beautiful as ever.

My lips parted as the sun shined down onto face, "You took forever." Rosa spoke as she smiled widely.

I was at a loss for words as I walked over and hugged her tightly, closing my eyes as I buried my face in her hair.

I heard Lincoln grunt and I turned to see Mahone with a pocket knife against my brothers throat.

"Michael, that's a beautiful boat." Mahone spoke up because he could see it through an old window.

I stood up straight as I lightly smiled at Rosa, "Just promise me you'll change the name when you take it." I said I stood in a protective manner.

"I don't think my mother would've approved of you." I spoke calmly while Rosa gave me a nervous look.

"Consider it done. Come on." Mahone said nodding for us to get out of the way.

"So is this the part where you go back on your word?" I asked as Rosa held my hand tightly while we walked.

"Hands up. Hands up!" Mahone ordered us around.

We both put our hands up and Mahone reached behind Rosa and pulled the gun from her, "No." He shook his head as he pushed Lincoln towards us.

He held us three at gun point, "As of now, they want you alive." Mahone said backing away from us.

"Why?" I asked as Rosa held my arm.

"That's a good question. Figure it out on your own time. Where's the money?" He asked.

"Let us go." I spoke simply.

"No." Mahone shook his head, "Come on, Alex, you already got the boat. Show a little good faith." I smirked.

"The money. I want.." He was cut off by his phone ringing.

"Yeah?" He answered the phone, "I'm inside the warehouse." He gave our location before hanging up.

He dialed another number before glancing at us three, "Here we go." He smirked as he put the phone up to his ear.

Innocence - Book two // prison break Where stories live. Discover now