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     The young boy was looking though the files in his hands. His girlfriend, Janis, was sitting next to him in the fancy sofa. She was older than him but the two acted like if they were a newly weds. Sitting in front of him in another sofa with the coffee table between them was the mercenary he had hired to look into the information of the person he was after. They were meeting at a hotel suite.

     He read the information in all the files. It was all he could possibly know about his target and its closest friends and family. He was still getting over the fact that he had spent so much time searching for him around the world when he was in the exact same country as he was in. He took the picture from the file and looked at it, like always the two of them had the exact same appearance. There was something more in the appearance the boy in the picture had, he looked at the eyes. One was silver and the other was black. He recognized that trait. At that instant he knew that he had to play his cards right.

    Janis looked at the eyes the boy in the picture had and realized the same thing her boyfriend just did. He looked at the mercenary and smiled. The thing about having contra tees was that they always paid for the bills. He thought. “Thank you for everything, call General Saints, she’ll give you your pay. You can leave now” He said, the man left the suite. The two remained in the same place as he left.

    The boy was feeling ecstatic; to him this was worth waiting over seventy years. He thought up of the starting idea in that moment. He explained it all to Janis; she knew it was a good idea. In such little time, they had taken the first step to their plan. He looked through all the files and learned everything he could. I could use the internet to draw his attention and from there I can think on. He thought, it was the best approach.

    His target was a high school boy with a great secret. He needed to confirm it but deep in him he knew he was right. Just like him, his target wasn’t human. The difference between them was that one was a demon and the other was a creature that hunted demons. Phantom, the boy, knew he had to start slowly, after that he could have as much fun as he wanted.

    His target, Logan Night road, had no idea who was after him, in another lifetime he would’ve, but not in this one.

     Phantom got up and pulled up Janis close to him, their lust raising. “I finally found him; this is a cause for a celebration!” He said as he held her close and tighter. The two were determined to win the game they would start. Logan never expected something as crazy as that, but he was in for a surprise. 

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