Chapter 17: Wounded

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“Hey.” said Kristine as she answered.

   “Is your family home?” I asked panting

   “Are you OK? You don’t sound so good.” She asked hearing my pain immediately.

   “That’s why I’m asking, I’m not OK. So is your family home?” I said.

   “Not really, my dad went to play poker with his friends, and Beatrice is at a party.” She answered immediately “What happened to you?”

   “Bruno is helping Phantom; the guy stabbed me with a silver knife and left me.” I said falling down with my wall to the back. “I can’t really move, I need you to come help me. I’m losing blood and fast.”

   “How is that possible?” she said “Was he really that strong.”

   “I didn’t want to hurt him and he got me through a cheap shot. He literally back stabbed me.” I said explaining things to her, I didn’t want to look like the Shape shifter that got defeated by a normal human. “He’s got some mark that Phantom supposedly gave him. He says it gives him powers or something, I don’t know….” I said closing my eyes. “I don’t know it looks like a tattoo…” I took a deep breath. “He was both strong and fast, almost like we are.”

    “A mark? That sounds like a curse.” She said thinking about it. “What if Phantom is a girl, that sounds like something a witch might be able to do. But then that wouldn’t make sense with Jasmine’s story. What do you think?”

   “I think I’m going to pass out, the silver’s doing some real damage to me.” I said feeling a second burning feeling swarming over me. My wounds were bleeding too much, it was almost like if my blood had thinned out. “I need your help, I can barely move…”

    “I’ll go get you” she said. “What’s your location?”

   “I’m like on the side of a house a few houses next to Bruno’s. It has a giant For Sale sign in front. I don’t know about any other details.” I said feeling the heat swarm over me again.

  “OK, I’ll call you when I’m close by, please don’t faint on me.” She half joked and half asked.

   “I’ll try.” I hanged up and tried to pull the knife. My hand felt the silver handle and felt the burn. I quickly pulled back and sighed. I started feeling a mild cold feeling falling on me. I opened up my eyes and realized it was raining. I closed them again and smiled. This sucks…I thought almost laughing. My back pack is still on that branch, it’s gonna get soaked.

    The rain started pouring on me. I just laid there unaware of anything. I could hear the commotion about the window and the blood all over Bruno’s room. Things got worse as his parents got home a few minutes later. I felt bad, horrible, knowing what had happened. My phone started ringing and I let it go unanswered.“Let’s get you out of here.” I heard Kristine’s voice say a few seconds later. I felt her lift me up and grab me up her shoulders. She held my arms as she started running as fast as she could. For the first time in my life I felt what it felt like to travel at the speed our kind ran. It was like a carnival ride going three times faster, my body moved so fast that the feeling my organs gave me made me feel as if they were being pressed back in my body.

    We came to a sudden stop and she gently placed me on the floor. From the cold rough feeling, I could tell it was pavement. I was breathing deeply and by this point I felt like I was going to throw up. “Get ready…” I heard Kristine say. I opened my eyes and saw the cold night sky. Wait…get ready for what? “One, two, three!” she said as she pulled the knife out of my leg. I yelled as the knife left my body, but the feeling soon got replaced by a feeling of relieve. The swarming burning feeling faded a little. “There, the knife is out of your leg. Now let me take care of your injuries.” I heard the knife being dropped on the floor. Krisitne pulled off my jacket gently, lifting me up with caution. She sate me up and held me in place as she pressed her hands on the injuries I had on my shoulder and back. “Damn, I think the silver made the injuries difficult to heal. I’m going to have to use a strong spell, it could knock you out.”

The 4 Kingdoms: Rise of the Shape ShifterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon