Chapter 7: One move ahead

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The rain was falling so hard in the night sky that it almost killed the sound the sirens made. The soldiers were yelling at each other in German as the got ready to fire at me. I could see that they were scared, scared beyond reason. I was high above in the sky, flying above them, getting ready to finish all of them off. I was not myself yet I was. Six soldiers got in a line and began to fire at me. The next thing I knew was my feet dragging mud behind them. I had moved faster than their bullets. I was behind all of the soldiers that had just fired at me. The six of them stood still like statues until their blood began to splatter everywhere. They all fell to the ground in a mess. There were more of them to handle, somehow I could feel an extreme rage burning inside me. There was going to be no survivors this night as far as it went for soldiers. I looked around and found myself surrounded by more who were soon to be dead.

     I woke up out of breath and feeling the rage from my dream. What the hell was that? I thought getting up. I went to the restroom and splashed cold water on my face. These dreams, could they have something to do with Phantom? They started coming to me just around the same time he showed up. I’ll ask Kristine about the meanings of dreams later on. I dried my face with a towel and went back to my room. I tumbled with Leslie as I was going back.

     “What are you doing up so early?” She asked.

     “I don’t know, I just woke up. Why, what time is it?” I said stopping.

     “Six in the morning” she answered. At that time, the two of us saw the door to mom’s room open. Mom stepped out wearing her robe and half asleep.

     “Logan, it’s nice to see you up so early.” She said wiping the sleep from her eyes. “Do you think you can make breakfast for us? The two of us have to get ready to leave.” Leslie looked at me too, if I remembered right, dad was the one who cooked breakfast.

    “Yeah, no problem, I’ll make some omelets.” I said heading downstairs. I went into the kitchen and began cooking. I didn’t mind doing it, it wasn’t that much work. I couldn’t stop thinking about the dreams I had as I cooked. I should reply to the message I got last night. I thought as I served the table.

     “Thanks” said Leslie as she and my mom started eating. “So how’s Kristine?” she said making conversation as I sat down with them in the table.

     “Good as always.” I said. “How’s it going between you and Jack?”

     “We broke up a week ago.” She said

    “What happened? He was a nice boy.” said my mom getting into the conversation.

    “He never answered my texts or calls so I just dumped him.” said Leslie as I got up.

    “Well I’m going back to sleep.” I said getting up and leaving the two of them. I could hear them going on with the conversation as I went up the stairs. I got to my room and turned on my computer. I went online and found the message I got from Phantom and replied.

     You sick bastard, you killed five people just because I didn’t message you? Look, this is between Kristine you and me, so don’t involve any innocent people. You better stop this whole thing if you value your life, cuz now I’m going to kill you the instant I see you. What you did went too far, you’re a monster. I don’t even know what to tell you. You better not hurt anybody else.

     I sent the message and lay down in my bed. Knowing that I had just messaged a killer wasn’t something one could take so lightly. Death wasn’t the factor that bothered me here; people died all the time, that’s something I learned the Kingdoms lived with. What bothered me was the fact that those people were killed by some person who simply took the whole thing as a game.

The 4 Kingdoms: Rise of the Shape ShifterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant