Chapter 9: Revealing the truth; The Witch and the Shape shifter

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      Im on my way home, srry im this late, i went to eric’s house to play videogames and forgot to tell u i was gona be out this late btw im also late cuz something came up.

     I sent the message and put my phone away. It’s been a long day… I jumped many feet in the air, turned my feet to the hospital’s wall and jumped higher. I was around the height of the ninth floor when I transformed into a crow and flew off. The night sky felt heavy on my wings. The lights made everything look like a huge Christmas tree underneath me. It sucks that Phantom is somewhere underneath me right now. I descended after spotting my neighborhood. I transformed a few away from the ground and went into my house.

     “Where have you been?!” exclaimed my mom the instant I went in the house. I walked towards her with my body aching.

    “The hospital” I said honestly. “Jasmine had an accident and I tried to go visit her.” That was the lie. She looked at me and tried to look for the truth.

    “You’re not grounded, just call ahead next time.” She said frustrated at me. 

    “Thanks.” I said surprised.

    “Don’t think you’re lucky, I’m only being this nice because Leslie and I went out for dinner without you.” She said walking towards the kitchen. “So cook your own dinner if you’re hungry.”

    “That’s where the microwave comes in.” I said following her. I pulled a small frozen pizza out of the freezer and set in on the microwave. I pulled an energy drink from the fridge and sat down waiting for my dinner to be ready.

     “What are you up to.” Said my mom pulling a yogurt out of the fridge “and don’t say it’s nothing.” I looked at her and then away. “I know you and Kristine are doing something you don’t want anyone to know about, so talk.” She got a spoon and sat down in front of me.

     “We’re just working on a computer game” I said lying at her. If I told her anything about Phantom she would surely tell my dad. Kristine and I would be in serious trouble if anyone learned that we’ve been handling everything so badly that innocent people ended up dead and one person knows about our kind.

     “Interesting… just remember that I don’t want any grandchildren from you yet.” She said eating the yogurt. I knew she didn’t believe me but I thought her reaction was enough.

     The two of us talked while I ate. I went straight to my room after finishing and lay on my bed. I was too shook up from today to bother with my e-mail. I pulled my cell phone out of my pocked and looked at the text I still hadn’t opened. It felt like I had received it a long time ago. I opened it and laughed. It was from Eric telling me about the group of guys that wanted to get Bruno for something I did to them days ago. I deleted the text and put my phone to charge after seeing how much battery it had left. I turned on the TV after that and flipped through the channels mindlessly, I didn’t feel like watching anything. I turned off the TV and went to sleep early that night.

     The flames were all around me, making me think that I was in hell for a moment. They scattered and the ashen ground was visible. Three normal clothed figures stepped in from the flames, one of them was carrying an oil lamp, the other a sword, and the last one was weaponless. “Mes atsiusime jums atgal i pragara”(We will send you back to hell.) said the one with the oil lamp.

    “As nemirtingas, pragaras negali, priimti mane” (I’m inmortal, hell can’t take me!) I said almost laughing. I knew what the three were by just looking at them. The one with the oil lamp was obviously and Alchemist and the other two were Vampires, I could tell by their glowing red eyes.

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