Chapter One: Grandpa

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The cold, winter breeze yanked at my bare arms, pulling goosebumps along with it. I shivered slightly as I hurried toward the crosswalk on the north side of Pinewood High.

That morning was warm, so I hadn't thought I'd need a jacket. The quick change in temperature that afternoon was making me question all of my thoughts.

I watched as a girl held tightly onto her dog as she talked into her phone. Elodie Cameron. She's possibly the sweetest girl you'd ever meet, but she mainly keeps to herself. She doesn't really have friends either. She's basically another me, minus the fact that she's blind.

Just as I went to walk around a large puddle, my shoulder was shoved into and me and my things went crashing into the icy water. My whole body went numb as I sat in it.

From slightly above me I heard several fits of laughter. I looked up to see fuzzy blobs. My glasses!

Quickly feeling around, my fingers grazed against something hard and cold. As I went back to grab the item, I heard a crunch of glass followed by a lot more laughter.

Knowing my favorite pair of glasses were ruined, I grabbed my bag and pulled out my backup glasses, sliding them onto my face. I adjusted my eyes, then looked up to see all of the popular students pointing and laughing. Alicia Taylor was standing in front of the group, sporting her devilish smirk.

"Oops." She fake pouted. Everyone laughed again. My cheeks flushed a bright crimson as my anger built up. Alicia you are dead meat. I'll slowly cradle your face in my small hands and then quickly jerk your head to the right at a 90° angle, snapping your neck and silencing you for good.

"It's alright. My bad. I'm just a little clumsy, that's all." I held in my anger. I stood and fixed my shirt, grabbed my bag, and left the laughing group.

When I reached the crosswalk, I quickly darted across, holding in my tears best I could.

I ran around the corner and checked to see if anyone was watching. When I knew the coast was clear, I let the tears spill out.

As I made my way slowly home, the tears of pain and regret kept escaping. I cried harder and harder, and I knew if I ever made it home, I'd be punished by dad for letting my guard down. I'd need to go to my safe haven in the woods near my house.

As I neared my house, I took the gravel road leading into the woods and quickly ran inside, checking to see if anyone was nearby. My haven was secret; no person knew of its wear-a-bouts.

I made my way over to a small clearing and turned slightly left, continuing on until I came to the largest tree near it. I knocked on all the knots in the tree before I heard a hollow sound, then pulled down hard, swinging the door open. I grabbed the door and slipped inside, shutting it tightly.

I grabbed an Oreo tin off the shelf and opened my cooler to grab a Lemonade. Inside the cooler, the ice was slightly melting, so I made a note on my desk to buy more when I went shopping for groceries next.

I quickly scanned through the book shelf to find a good book, then snuggled up to the leather couch. I grabbed a blanket and draped it over myself, then set my things on my lap. I looked around.

The good thing about having a safe haven is that you are assured to always be protected, and you're comfortable. I had built this haven after mum had married my dad. I hollowed out the tree, dug into the ground, carved this room and even placed wooden walls for support. I dragged in every piece of furniture by myself, stocked all of the shelves, heck - I built the whole kitchen! I basically had a whole house down here. The only things this "house" lacked was an actual bed and a refrigerator. My oven was used with fire, and I had a chimney made out of brick that went all the way up to the top of the tree so nobody would see that I was down here. My television was solar charged and had every channel. The couch pulled out into a bed. There were so many amazing things down here, but the kitchen was definitely my favorite thing. I loved to cook. Everything. I cooked dinner for myself when dad was out drunk and mum was working. Sometimes I even made breakfast in here. I bake everything from cookies to gourmet pastries. I sell my best dishes; I basically have my own company. How did you think I got all the money for this? Certainly not from my part time job at Starbucks.

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