Chapter 16: Normal

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I was walking.

The man was to my left, rummaging through a dumpster in an alleyway.

We made eye contact.

I looked away, continuing on. I could still feel his stares.

A small gasp filled my ears, but I disregarded it.

Oh, if I hadn't have disregarded that frail gasp.


Tears had filled my eyes and before I knew it, I had spoken the girl's name aloud.


I rushed to her and enveloped her into my arms immediately. I clutched onto her pale locks and squeezed her waist against my stomach. I let the tears flow freely, a waterfall of pain and relief and gratitude spilling between my eyelashes.

I held her tight and could feel her own tears on my shoulder. She returned the embrace, tangling her arms around my waist.

My heart was swelling. I could feel it swelling with love.

I pushed from the embrace, gripping her shoulders. I scanned her face and body. I looked into her tear-filled eyes and smiled the biggest smile I had ever known possible.

"You were gone," I whispered. "You were gone nearly three years!"

She laughed slightly. "I know, you idiot. You try getting across the entire country by yourself with nothing but a worn-out sweater and leggings too small to even fit properly," she replied, sniffing.

I paused, my face contorting with worry. "You did what?"

Lyssie sheepishly smiled. "I don't want to talk about it just yet. Who's this?" She turned to Enoch.

"You don't remember me?" Alicia piped up, shock and fury practically written in bold letters on her forehead.

Lyssie looked at her. "Oh, I remember you. B—"

"I'm Enoch," he cut in, presenting his hand to shake. Lyssie took it, glaring at Alicia before switching her gaze to Enoch.

"He's quite the catch, Bella," she commented, giving him a smirk. Enoch's cheeks tinted crimson and I held in a laugh.

"That's why he's my boyfriend," Alicia recovered, tugging on Enoch's arm to pull her to him. Enoch rolled his eyes.

"For the last time, Alicia. We've been over for two months!"

Both Lyssie and I stared at Enoch in disbelief. "What?" We both inquired.

We shared a look of amusement before turning back to the situation at hand.

Enoch had his gaze on me. "Yeah? I broke things off even before the accident."

Memories flooded my brain but I pushed them back, forcing the panic attack down with them. "Say what now?"

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