Chapter Three: Broken Legs and Muffins

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Something slammed into my back and instantly I was on the floor, feeling something in my leg swelling. I sat up, but instantly was knocked onto my backside, Carl's large foot choking me. I could feel a bruise forming, but I didn't struggle. I deserved this. Carl was preparing me for the struggles of being independent in college. I should never rely on buddies or helpers to bear my burdens. This life is my fight.

As everything started spinning and darkening, I watched Carl lean down and say something. Not being able to hear, I nodded, knowing it was something about if I could take it.

Just before I blacked out, Carl's foot released its hold on my neck and slammed into my numb calf, shooting immense pain throughout my entire body.

I carefully gulped in air, knowing that Carl could still be watching. If I looked too desperate, it'd happen until I was strong enough. I felt I was, but clearly Carl didn't think so.

"Stand up." He ordered. I obeyed, leaning mainly on my good leg. "Stand only on your left leg. Then we'll see if you're ready or not."

I obeyed, choking down tears as I put all my weight on my broken leg. I stood for about two agonizing minutes before Carl muttered an incoherent phrase and stormed out the door. I collapsed on the floor and let a few tears run down my face as I examined my leg. My jeans were torn and slightly bloody, but the main thing that scared me was how large my leg was.

Gently rubbing my calf, I realized my leg was nearly three times its normal size. I flinched as I rubbed over a bloody spot, but nonetheless I stood up and hobbled to the telephone. I dialed the local hospital's number and grabbed my insurance card and some cash, then told them to send an ambulance. No rush, I just needed a ride to the hospital and there was nobody else to take me.

After I hung up, I finished grabbing all the ingredients from the kitchen and set them on the counter in a bag. I left the chilled products in the fridge, though, so they wouldn't go bad.

I heard a knock at the door and hobbled to answer it. The EMT had one look at my leg and I was being carried bridal–style into the ambulance. A few people reset my leg and put on a splint, and I was given some pain medicine since a broken leg is pretty severe.

We arrived at the hospital shortly and I was carried into a room. A nurse came in and got all my information, then she left to get the doctor. I waited in silence as I recalled what happened after school.

Deciding to work on a few online orders, I stopped by the house to grab the certain ingredients that I couldn't afford. Carl and mom could afford them, though, so I just take some of the things because they aren't ever home to use them.

I entered the house and set my bag down, heading for the kitchen. Before entering, I grabbed a bottle of aloe vera gel and slathered a little on my arm.

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