Chapter Five: From Treehouse to Luxury Bedroom

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I was stuffing my face with milk chocolate squares as we pulled up into the large, curved driveway surrounding a fountain.

I swallowed the chocolate, glad there was a separated curtain between me and the two people in the car, and gazed out the tinted window, adjusting my glasses in case I was seeing wrong.

The footman, as I like to call him, opened my door and I stepped out, gasping as I took in what I did, in fact, see correctly from the car.

A large house towered above me, casting its large shadow over the driveway and the small amount on the grass behind it. The house had a wide staircase leading up to a double door, and a pillar on either side of it.

I looked back in awe at the two people climbing out of the car.

"You live here?" I asked, amazed at how much money this family must have. The receptionist nodded and smiled, then gestured for me to enter.

"Go on in, sweety. Our butler will grab your bags."


I gaped at the exterior of the house one more time before awkwardly climbing the stairs, still having a fairly messed up leg. I approached the doors, about to walk in before the for swung open and out ran a boy about the age of ten.

"MOMMY!" he cried, bolting past me and causing me to stumble. I lost my balance, falling backward and towards the bottom of the stairs, before I was instantly jerked forward and slammed into a hard wall. I looked up, trying to see how on earth I survived.

My eyes met deep emerald ones and instantly my thoughts raced to the previous week in Foods.

"Ugh! Let go of me!" I spoke, struggling out of his iron grip.

"What? No thank you? I just saved your life." Enoch replied, swiftly placing me on his shoulder. "I'll take her to her room." He said, most likely to the three people in front of him.

"Let go of me you butt!" I screeched, pounding his back with my short arms.

"Immature much? Good comeback, by the way. I'll have to use that sometime. Not." He responded, shifting me higher onto his uncomfortable shoulder. I let out a yelp of pain as his steel bicep cut into my stomach, then he shifted again, somehow finding me a comfortable spot.

Don't ask me how that's possible.

I felt us suddenly bouncing and the gravity becoming weird. I lifted my head up, and my vision blurred as my glasses dropped from my face.

"Wait!" I screamed, causing Enoch to jump slightly.

"What?" He complained, slowing down.

"My glasses you turd! They slid off my face."

He sighed and turned around, setting me at the top of the stairs.

"Where did they fall off?"

"My face, idiot."

"That's not what I meant." He growled.

"Oh forgive me, master, I did not mean to disappoint you by being human!" I sarcastically replied. "Would you please evaluate on why that was not what you meant?"

"Nah. You can go without them for a while. Good luck unpacking. Don't go in my room."

"Oh, yeah. This is great. Leave the legally blind lady to fend for herself in an environment completely new to her. What a great idea!" I over enthusiastically replied, crossing my arms and sighing.

"Yep! Have fun, partner."

"You're an evil person, you know?" I commented, but he was already gone.

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