Chapter Two: Burning the Rattler

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The school bell rang and I grabbed all my crap, dumping it into my already messy bag. School was over, thank goodness, and I could retreat to my safe haven. Mum wouldn't be home again, she was dumped with a work trip that left this morning, and yesterday, after Grandpa left, I just slept. I finally have time to do something fun today.

Opening my locker, I grabbed my tattered lunch box and put it in the front pocket of my bag. I grabbed a few more things and closed my locker, sighing in the process. Turning around, I came face to face with Alicia Taylor, the school's most popular girl and my bully. Real great day.

"Afternoon, Alicia. Have a good day." I tried to slide past her. Her arm shot out in front of me and slammed me into my locker.

"Going somewhere?" She asked and her two slaves snickered. Yep, the typical popular posse.

"Actually, yes. I need to get home to take care of my sister today."

She cackled. "You're sister is dead, idiot. All the teachers think you're smart... I guess I was the one correct, eh?"

Something hurt in my chest, but I wasn't about to let Alicia stomp on the fact that my sister could very well be alive.

"My sister could still be alive. Unless... You were the one that took her? You'd know the answer if you did, and it seems like you're very sure she's dead." I false accused.

She screeched, "Are you accusing me?!"

"Yep. Let me just pull my phone out and call the—"

"I'll personally strangle you if you so happen to dial one number. If you put the phone back, I might spare you a little." She interrupted.

Knowing she was serious about sparing me, I put the phone away. "Very well. Now spare me and let me get home."

She smiled deviously. "As you wish."

I was instantly slammed to the floor and my things went flying across the floor. My side was jabbed into by a sharp heel and I let out a cry of pain, doubling over.

"That'll teach you not to threaten or boss me around nerd. Have a good life!" She strutted away, smiling a little too perky.

Glad there were only a few stragglers around, I curled up into a ball and hid my face, letting a few tears silently slip out.

I deserved this. That was a lesson to be strong but not be in charge. I'll hopefully learn from that.

As the pain in my side decreased, I sat up and wiped the tears off my face. I slowly stood and went around the area, grabbing everything I owned.

As I went to grab the necklace my favorite grandmother gave me as a thirteenth birthday gift, a mouth grabbed it for me. I looked up to see Elodie's dog sitting and holding my necklace.

I reached out and took it, placing the last thing in my bag. "Thank you."

Elodie smiled, turning her head towards the sound of my voice. "Anytime. Have a good day. Max, home." She told her dog, Max. He lead her to the handicap door and pressed the button with his nose, leading her out of the school.

I sighed, closed my bag, and escaped to the cold outer world.

I walked past my house and into the woods, heading straight for my haven.

When coming close, I noticed two feet sticking out from behind the tree. Luckily, they were out of sight from the door.

I noiselessly made it to the tree and held my breath as I pulled on a knot, completely guessing. There was no chance I was going to knock when someone was leaning against my tree.

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