Chapter Four: Dead Hearts

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I screamed.

At that moment, it was the only thing I thought to do.

Letting out all my shock, fury, sadness.


All I could hear was the high pitched sound of my broken heart being let out.

And then something grabbed me.

I struggled as the object closed off my air. I fought. I kicked. I head-butted.

Alas, I was still held back.

Finally deciding on one thing, I yanked my elbow forward and threw it back with all my strength. The object let go, letting out a pained yelp and I whipped around and punched the first face I saw, knocking the attacker out cold.

Not even caring who it was, I turned and dropped to my mother's side, carefully checking for breathing.

Her chest rose and fell, slowly, but it happened.

I yanked my cell out of my pocket and the dial tone was ringing in my ear before you could even blink.

"911. What's your—"

"I live on ### Lane house ####. Send someone fast! My mother's surrounded by blood, she's barely breathing, I... I think she was stabbed." I sobbed.

"We've sent an ambulance and police, ma'am! Can you tell us more? Is there anyone else with you?"

I glanced to the figure behind me, noticing it was Carl.

Why did he try to stop my screaming?

"Y... Yeah. My... My father. H... He tried to stop my screams. He nearly made me pass out because he cut off my air supply and... And he ab... Abuses m... Me." I stuttered, still in shock.

If that man thinks he can stop me from saving my mother he deserves to be jailed.

The man on the other line frantically replied. "He does? Where is he now? Are you alright?"

I nodded, but realized nobody was there to see. "Yeah. I... I knocked h... Him out."

The man sighed, and I heard a knock at the door.

I raced to the door flinging it open in hopes the police were here.

My hopes smashed to a pancake as I locked eyes with Enoch Pendleton.

"Are you OK?" He asked. "Isabella, right? I heard a scream and followed it, then it was suddenly cut off so I just guessed a random house."

I was in hysterics. "My mom!" I sobbed, grabbing his arm. I pulled him into the room and sank to my mother's side again.

Her body looked even paler, if that was possible.

"Woah..." I heard him mutter, his eyes wide.

"Hello? Are you still there?" A muffled voice asked. I quickly grabbed the phone, placing it to my ear.


"They're on their way." The man replied calmly.

"Obviously not fast enough! My mother is nearly dead! Her skin is ghostly white!" I cried.

Something stirred behind me, and a groan was let out. I turned to see Carl waking up.

"Oh no you don't!" I spat angrily. I was on him in a flash, pelting him with bony, but strong, knuckles.

"Hey! Hey! The ambulances are here, Isabella! Stop!" Someone yelled, pulling me off Carl swiftly.

"Let go!" I screamed, struggling out of the person's grip. The person held on tightly, refusing to let go.

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