The Group Was Made

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Dean P.O.V

As I was lost deep in my thoughts, I felt someone tap my shoulder which brought me back to reality to see a guywith two toned hair tap my shoulder.

Seth: Hey what's up?
Dean: The sky... nothing much what's up with you.?
Seth: Nothing much, I'm Seth Rollins, but you can just call me Seth and this power house here is my best friend.
Roman: Hey, I'm Roman Reigns, but you can just call me Roman.
Dean: Nice to meet you guys, my names Dean Ambrose, but just call me Dean.
Seth: Alright then Dean, from this point forward You, Roman, and I are now friends.
Roman: Hey Seth, didn't you say once we found a third best friend we would come up with a name for our group?
Seth: Oh yeah, I did say that.
Roman: How about team RSD.
Seth: Really, do you really want to just use the first letters of each of our names?
Roman: No, not really.
Seth: How about Legacy?
Roman: Nah, I'm not really feeling it with that name.

I thought about and I said.

Dean: How about The Shield?
Seth: Yeah, I like that name... The Shield
Roman: Me too, I'm cool with The Shield.
Dean: Then its settled, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose all together are known as The Shield.

Wow, I haven't even started my first day of school yet, and I've already made two new friends.

Becky P.O.V

I'm looking at the new guy in the back, and I just can't stop looking at him, he is just so cute and dreamy. I guess Charlottet and Paige saw that I was looking at someone, but thankfully they didn't know who I was looking at.

Paige: Becky you okay, you look like you were drifting off into some fantasy world.
Charlottet: Yeah, and who were you staring at?
Becky: Staring? I wasn't staring at anyone.
Paige: Yeah you were.
Becky: No I wasn't
Charlottet: Whatever.

Phew that was a close one.

Paige P.O.V
The new guy at our bus stop, I think he just stole my heart and he probably didn't even notice me. Who would notice me anyway? I'm just some emo girl who isn't even noticeable. Sure I did have Charlottet and Becky, but
we don't really hangout at school. When I'm at school I'm usually all by myself in my little corner in the hallway. Finally we arrived at school.

Paige: See you guys later.
Becky and Charlottet: See ya later.

As I left for my first class, which is English, I thought about that guy again. Man I can't get him out of my head. As I thought about him, he came walking into my class.

William Regal: Class, we have a new transfer  student. Why don't you introduce yourself.
Dean: My name is Dean Ambrose, I'm from Cincinnati, Ohio,  and I want this school year to be a good one with no drama.
Paige: (In her head) So that's his name, Dean Ambrose, I hope he will notice me.
William Regal: Mr. Ambrose why don't you take a seat next to Ms. Knight.
Paige: (Blushing)
Dean: (Sits next to Paige)
Regal: Now class, since it is the first day of school, you will not have an assignment. Instead, you will be getting to know each other. So I want everyone of you to talk the person sitting next to you until the end of class. Now talk amongst yourselves.
Paige: (In her head) Talk to the person next to me, but that means...
Dean: Hey there.
Paige: H-Hey.
Dean: You're one of the people at my bus stop.
Paige: Yeah, I am, my name is Paige Knight, just call me Paige.
Dean: My name is Dean Ambrose, but just call me Dean.

We talked for the entire class period until the bell rang.

Roman P.O.V

It was now lunch, and I was just hanging out with Seth and Dean.

Roman: I know its only the first day, but you guys crushin on any girls right now.
Seth: Well, I'm crushin on Nikki Bella.
Roman: Really, because I'm crushin on her sister Brie.
Seth: What about you Dean, who are you crushin on?
Dean: I'm not crushin on anyone right now.
Roman and Seth: Oh.... really?
Dean: Yeah, really.

Paige P.O.V

I just stood in my corner in the hallway alone while everyone was talking about this and that. Until I saw Dean again and he was talking with Seth and Roman. I really just want to leave this corner and go talk to him, but for some reason I just can't. Dean, please notice me....... please.

Becky P.O.V

It was the last period of the day and I had show choir with Paige and Charlottet. Then came in the last three people that I would expect to be in this class. The three guys were Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose. Ahh Dean, one day I hope you will be mine. As we began, our choir director assigned us partners and I couldn't believe it, but Dean was my dance partner for this song.

Lillian Garcia: OK class, so the first song we will be working on is rhythm of the night.

We learned the dance moves and they weren't really hard at all they were really easy. I even got to hold Dean's hands for this dance routine. OMG, I JUST HELD DEAN AMBROSE'S HANDS!

Charlottet P.O.V

I can't believe Dean wasn't my partner for this song, and I also can't believe that Becky got to hold Dean's hands during this dance routine. Why am I worried? Calm down, its not like Becky has feeling for Dean. Right?

Paige P.O.V

Becky got to dance with Dean? I guess Dean and I aren't destined for each other. I could be wrong about this though, I just hope I am.

After class was done, we all went home and when we arrived back at our neighborhood, I noticed that Dean lived right next door to me. Now I have a better chance to make him notice me.

Dean P.O.V

When I got home, I realized that I lived right next door to Paige and Becky. I also found out I live across the street from Charlottet. When I got inside my house, I had no homework so I just went to my room and layed down on my bed thinking about what happened today I had just made five new friends today. Paige acted very shy when we were talking in English class and Becky was a little awkward when we were dancing together, and she smiled at me a lot, but the shyness and the smiling, to me, those didn't seem like just any shyness or normal friendly smiles. Wait do they both..... nah, they wouldn't fall for a guy like me thats impossible. Or is it?


Hey there guys hope you all enjoyed the second chapter of Who Do You Choose?(WWE HIGH SCHOOL) I will try my best to make the third chapter soon. So until the next chapter my name is Zero and I will see all of my fellow crafters in the next chapter of Who Do You Choose?


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