The Play and The Switch Blade

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Dean P.O.V

Today is the day we perform Romeo and Juliet. Everyone is excited for this. Especially Charlottet and I.

The Play Begins

Chorus (Paige): Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life, Whose misadventured piteous overthrows Doth with their death bury their parents' strife. The fearful passage of their death-marked love
And the continuance of their parents' rage,
Which, but their children’s end, naught could remove,
Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage—
The which, if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.

(Exits The Stage)

Skip To The End

Romeo (Dean): How often are men happy right before they die! They call it the lightness before death. Oh, how can I call this lightness? Oh, my love! My wife! Death has sucked the honey from your breath, but it has not yet ruined your beauty. You haven’t been conquered. There is still red in your lips and in your cheeks. Death has not yet turned them pale. Tybalt, are you lying there in your bloody death shroud? Oh, what better favor can I do for you than to kill the man who killed you with the same hand that made you die young. Forgive me, cousin! Ah, dear Juliet, why are you still so beautiful? Should I believe that death is in love with you, and that the awful monster keeps you here to be his mistress? I don’t like that idea, so I’ll stay with you. And I will never leave this tomb. Here, here I’ll remain with worms that are your chamber-maids. Oh, I’ll rest here forever. I’ll forget about all the bad luck that has troubled me. Eyes, look out for the last time! Arms, make your last embrace! And lips, you are the doors of breath. Seal with a righteous kiss the deal I have made with death forever. A dateless bargain to engrossing death (kisses JULIET, takes out the poison)
Come, bitter conduct, come, unsavoury guide.
Thou desperate pilot, now at once run on
The dashing rocks thy seasick, weary bark. Here’s to my love! (drinks the poison)O true apothecary,Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die.

ROMEO(Dean) dies

Juliet's Death

Juliet  (Charlottet): Yea, noise? Then I’ll be brief. O happy dagger,
This is thy sheath. There rust and let me die. (stabs herself with ROMEO’s dagger and dies).

The Funeral

Prince Escalus (Wade Barrett): (skimming the letter) This letter confirms the Friar’s account. It describes the course of their love and mentions the news of her death. Here he writes that he bought poison from a poor pharmacist. He brought that poison with him to this vault to die and lie with Juliet. Where are these enemies? Capulet! Montague! Do you see what a great evil results from your hate? Heaven has figured out how to kill your joys with love. Because I looked the other way when your feud flared up, I’ve lost several members of my family as well. Everyone is punished.

Capulet (Seth): Oh, brother Montague, give me your hand. This is my daughter’s dowry. I can ask you for nothing more.

Montegue (Roman): But I can give you more. I’ll raise her statue in pure gold. As long as this city is called Verona, there will be no figure praised more than that of true and faithful Juliet.

Capulet (Seth): A gold statue I will make of Romeo to lie beside his Juliet will be just as rich. They were poor sacrifices of our rivalry!

Chorus (Paige): We settle a dark peace this morning. The sun is too sad to show itself. Let’s go, to talk about these sad things some more. Some will be pardoned, and some will be punished.There was never a story more full of woe than the story of Juliet and her Romeo.

They all exit the stage.

After The Play and back at the neighborhood at Paige's house.

Paige P.O.V

I'm in my room, crying my eyes out in my pillow. I lost Dean, and he thinks I cheated on him. I didn't cheat on him, Del Rio forced me into that kiss. It doesn't matter anyway, because now he and Charlottet are actually dating, and there's nothing I can do about it. After that, I reach underneath my pillow, and grabbed my switch blade that I never really had use for until now. I used the blade to cut myself. I didn't cut deep, but I was bleeding a lot since I cut myself seven times on my left arm. When I was done I put bandages on my arm where I was bleeding. I want Dean back. I need Dean back.

Awwwwww poor Paige, and it looks like she didn't cheat on Dean. Del Rio just forced her to kiss him.

Do you guys think Dean and Paige will be together again? Find out in another chapter of Who Do You Choose?
My name is Zero and I will see all my fellow crafters in the next chapter.

I have absolutely no problem with Alberto Del Rio and Paige's real life relationship with each other. Just thought I would point that out that way people know I'm happy about their relationship because Del Rio and Paige are happy about their relationship.
Also I know the picture I used is Paige holding a barbed wire baseball bat, and switch blade is in the title of this chapter, but hey its close enough.

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