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2 weeks later

Paige P.O.V

Its been two weeks since school started, I've been doing really good, so far I have straight A's. Then I heard this happen to Dean.

Regal: Mr. Ambrose may I speak with you for a moment?
Dean: Yes sir.
Regal: I know it is only the second week of school, but I have already given you five assignments and you made a 70 on one of them and 60 on four of them. You now have a 67 in my class due to the fact that two of those 60's were worth quiz grades.
Dean: Mr. Regal I really am trying my best...
Regal: Mr. Ambrose 70's and 60's are not your best. Now I know you can do better so I expect improvement soon. You understand?
Dean: I understand sir.
Regal: Good, now go take your seat.

After hearing that, I knew I had to help Dean out because the last thing I want for him... actually I don't want him to get held back a year so I'm gonna help him. I waited until lunch to ask if he wanted me to tutor him. In order to do that I had to leave my corner... so I did.

Seth: You're failing English already and we haven't even been in school for a month yet.
Dean: I'm really upset about it to.
Roman: Well you should be and I mean the last thing we need is for you to get held back a year.

That's when I went up to them.

Paige: H-H-Hi Dean.
Dean: Hi Paige.
Paige: (In her head happy) He knows my name.
Dean: Do you need something Paige?
Paige: No, actually I heard your conversation with Mr. Regal about your grade in English. If you want I can tutor you.
Dean: Nah, it's okay, I hate to be a bother.
Paige: No, don't worry about it. You won't be bothering me at all.
Dean: Are you sure?
Paige: I'm sure.
(Pause For 3 Seconds)
Dean: Is after school today okay?
Paige: Yeah absolutely, it's cool. So, today after school my place I'll tutor you.
Dean: Awesome Paige, thank you (gives her a hug).

Charlottet P.O.V

It's show choir time and we all got a new song. Our choir director even told us for this song we would not have partners for it, but I still stood next to my future soul mate Dean Ambrose. I really hope one day I'll be able to call myself Charlottet Ambrose. One day Dean, you will be mine one day.

Lillian Garcia: I know you all just got a new song, but for the rest of class today we will focus on another song called you can't stop the beat. For this song you will need a partner. You have ten seconds to find one. Go.

I tried to get Dean to be my partner, but he went for another girl and that girl was... PAIGE?!

Dean Ambrose P.O.V

I thought about it, and I wanted Paige to be my partner for this song.

Dean: Hey Paige, wanna be my partner for this song?
Paige: Y-Yeah sure I'll be your soul mate.
Dean: What?
Paige: DANCE PARTNER! Dance partner that's what I said dance partner.
Dean: OK then, so we're dance partners?
Paige: Yeah.
Dean: Awesome.

We all learned the dance moves, and then we got to the final part.

Lillian: Now for this last move, the guys are going to be carrying the girls bridal style.
Dean: Sounds simple enough.
Paige: (In her head) I got a hug from Dean, I held his hands during this song, and now he's gonna hold me bridal style. I can already picture him carrying me that way when I'm actually his bride.
Lilian: Ready? Guys carry the girls bridal style..... now.
(The last bell of the day rings)

Roman P.O.V

As we are heading home, we all just had our usually conversation with each other.

Dean: Give me a second guys I need to text my mom.
Roman and Seth: OK
Dean: Done.

We finally arrived at our bus stop. When we got off, Dean wasn't going to his house. Instead, he was going into Paige's house. I guess he lied when he said he wasn't crushin on anyone.

Becky P.O.V

As I was walking home, I saw that Dean was walking into... PAIGE'S HOUSE! I felt like my heart just broke. He chose Paige over me? No it can't be true it just can't be. Please no. As I said that tears started to form in my eyes.

Charlottet P.O.V

As I was about to walk into my house, I looked back to get one more glimpse of Dean only to see him walk into... PAIGE'S HOUSE! When I saw that I rushed into my house, and ran into my room. When I reached my room I didn't even bother to do my homework, I just jumped on my bed and cried into my pillow until I fell asleep.

Paige P.O.V

We made our way into my house, and as soon as we walk in, my parents see me with Dean.

Saraya Knight: Hello Paige, how was school?
Paige: It was good.
Ricky Knight: And who might this young man be?
Paige: Oh, Mom and Dad, this is my friend Dean.
Dean: Hello there, it's nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Knight.
Ricky and Saraya: Hm, he knows his manners, I like him already.
Saraya: Well Dean, what brings you to our home?
Dean: Well I'm having a bit of trouble in English, so Paige offered to tutor me.
Saraya: Oh okay.
Paige: Well, we'll be heading upstairs to my room now.
Saraya: Don't have too much fun you two.
Paige: MUM!
Saraya: Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

Dean and I finally reached my room and he shut the door behind us so we don't have any interruptions. While we were studying, Dean started to get the hang of the things we learned in class.

Dean: I think I get it now.
Paige: That's good to know.
Dean: Well its getting late, I think I'd better head home.
Paige: O-Oh, Okay.

We walk down stairs and he walks out my house, but before I could walk back into my house, he turns me around, and pulls me into a hug that I wanted to last forever, and the next thing he did caught me off gaurd.

Dean: Thank you for helping me.
Paige: You're welcome.
Dean: Hey, you wanna know something?
Paige: Yeah sure.
Dean: (Kisses her)
Paige: (shocked at first but kisses back)
Dean: I like you.
Paige: Well... I don't like you, because I love you.
Dean: I love you to.

We kissed one more time before he went to his house. Afterwards, I went to my room happier than ever knowing that I finally got him to notice me. I love him so much. I love Dean Ambrose so much.

Dean P.O.V

Looks like I am crushin on someone, and her name is Paige Knight, and I love her so much. I love Paige Knight so much.

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