【 1 】Day 10

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『A/N;  This story doesn't follow the plot of mystic messenger completely, I kinda just took the character Saeran from Seven's route and made him his own in a way??』

Just like the normal routine his slumber had been disturbed by the girl's greeting, this greetings did not consist of the 'hello Saeran' or anything along those lines. No she hadn't ever dared to say such a sentence to him but what she did dare to ask a mental patient every morning, ten minutes past eight on the dot, was "how are you?".

He had grown so accustomed to the routine that he never even felt tired when his precious sleep was interrupted by the same repetitive voice.

Were they friends? Saeran would never think so, she was just a foolish girl who fell in love with his dishonest brother, the brother who betrayed him but everyday she'd come down to the room just for him, just to ask 'how are you' even though she knew he'd never respond, she'd then babble on about something the white haired boy never cared to pay attention to.

His brain would only catch on to the questions, that's what was the base of this strange unromantic relationship.


questions which Saeran would never respond to but they were still there drifting into the air after they escaped her lips.

Her speech of thoughts occurring to her mind was cut short by a rather loud growl, one that felt painful for Saeran just to feel go pass his body but he had not shown a single sign of pain knowing what the cost of that would be in front of a stranger, in fact anyone.

"Are you hungry?" her head tilts to the side slightly, like a little puppy dog begging for food, her eccentric eyes now being toned down to a level of almost worry, but who dared to worry for this boy?


A nurse walked into the room, the dreaded nurse, she always inserted his daily medicine feeling as though he was once again being brainwashed into an evil corporation to use him and that this girl was just their distraction, so he wouldn't think about it but he still thought.

A pretty girl would never trick him.

"He never eats the food here, sweet pea." his still hands clenched into ones of balled up fists hearing that nickname sent towards the girl of the famous three words, if his finger nails hadn't been cut short they'd be digging so hard into his skin he'd need stitches.

Her head is tilted back into it's original position no longer straining her neck to express her confusion, that same small smile greeted his eyes, the same wrinkles he's now grown to memorize, she'd only have two small almost unnoticeable to the naked eye wrinkles at the corners of her smile.

Those same golden eyes he'd get to see every morning glowed in a look of determination making the boy laid in front of her curse the day the nurse was born as it seem the stubborn girl had grown an idea, an idea he assumed he wouldn't like.

He never liked any of her ideas in the first place.

『Since this chapter is short I'll do a double update』

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