【 5 】Day 14

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She's late.

Fifteen minutes off the schedule they created together, well more like she created without any consent from the zombie like boy.

During these fifteen minutes he would've heard the same question she's made a greeting which he gives no response and then receive his daily news of how her day has been with a few seconds of her getting distracted by the birds outside here and there.

But for now it was complete vacant silence in the boy's hospital room, the loud beeping of the monitor beside him became even more apparent as though he never realized he was connected to it till now.

He hated to admit that this silence bothered him, he now grew irritable that the girl of how are you was not on top of her schedule, what could cause her to be late for her greeting of the day?

That was when he heard it disturb his thoughts, "how are you?" his eyes gave a predictable glance to the right where he noticed the door to his room open allowing the bright yellow light to seep in and the annoying clutter of hospital workers and machines moving about then his eyes finally came to rest upon the girl's figure.

Gray sweatpants with the word love written in pink on her left leg, a light pink sweatshirt with pink written across it in black, and her hair seeming to be tangled in all knots of sorts, this wasn't her usual clean and stylish attire so she was unmistakably in a hurry.

Nonetheless a brown paper bag was placed on to his pale blue hospital bed right by his frail pale arm, she doesn't even bother to open the bag just yet as she rushes to throw away the trash she had finally recognized on the bedside table.

When she returns the white haired boy had still yet to move an inch, his patience more important than his curiosity.

The normal routine continues, pulling out the regular foods until a bowl appears in her hands, strawberries, a food she had touched with her own grimy hands.

The white haired boy grows disgusted at the though but doesn't dare to make the facial expression of so, the girl of how are you can only give him a soft smile before returning to her assigned seat and then going on to explain her day.

It was rainy out so she couldn't go to her normal soccer practice, apparently it's a new hobby she's been trying out in her free time, she came in late because there was a kitten on the road heading her way to the hospital so of course she brought it home first.

Animals were more important than her regular session with Saeran and that irked him.

"Did I ever tell you I love your hair?" he focuses in back on her expression as her eyes seemed to light up brighter than any sunny he's stared at.

He feels his whole body erupt in a bothering warmth making him wonder who decided to bump up the heat on such a day full of humidity but then he hears a small giggle.

The same focus he's always given her is now back on her giggle.

He hates to admit it,

'But I kinda like her giggle.'

『A/N; This was
kinda rushed
#sorrynotsorry 』
P.S. Thank you for 3k reads and
almost 300 votes, I didn't
think people would enjoy this
book so much but I'm glad you
all do, I'll try to get better with updating!

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