【 8 】Day 17

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(I used to hate her) 』

The schedule differed from all the other days, for just as soon as Saeran had first peeped his eyes open to get a glimpse of the morning sun a small flash light was shining in his eyes, it burned like all hell and he wondered if his correction the first few days were true. That he was still trapped in the system he now almost calls home and that they were still continuing their weird testing on his practically disintegrating body.

Saeran watched as the small beam of light disappeared from his pupil, giving himself a few seconds to regain his vision until he focused in on a voice he wasn't all too familiar with "how are you feeling?".

He would've screamed if this strange man asked her one and only greeting.

If felt as though glue had been poured down the boy's throat as when he tried to respond it only came out in mumbles, although he did try his hardest to ask why should he trust this old man.

"Ah yes, you just woke up, sorry Mr.Choi. Anyway, you have some visitors who are very happy to see you." the man seeming to be Saeran's doctor spoke out in a fake glee as he clasped his wrinkly hands together.

'Don't call me that' he wished he screamed out but the glue would take awhile to disappear from the back of his throat it seems.

Without even noticing, the white haired man gives him a questionable look as the girl of how are you never needed a doctor to allow her in, and did he say visitors or was that a mistake an old man with dementia would make?

He heard the doctor's almost mouse eating silent footsteps walk towards the door, once he opened it Saeran was able to make out enough words to conclude there were two people hoping to visit.

"No you shouldn't come in." He could easily recognize this girl's voice.

"Please" but he couldn't easily distinguish whatever man was with her, he grew weary of this.

"Give him some time."
"Are you sure you'll be okay alone?" She had visited him many times before, what kind of fool was she hanging around with?

Then the girl finally appears before Saeran's pale mint eyes, her smile shines brighter than ever before as a few more wrinkles slowly start to form due to it.

"How are you?" her eyes look to brim with tears but the white haired boy pushed it off as just a side effect of having a bright light right up against his pupil moments before.

Saeran slowly begins to move his arms that have been stuck in that position for months, he now knew what those street performers who painted themselves gold and stood like a statue really went through.

Once his arms were placed just beside him he pushed himself up into a sitting position, if he was in a race against a turtle on who could sit up the fastest the turtle would surely surpass the sick boy.

The girl almost understood not to help him, as she took place in the seat on the left of him, instead of her normal spot on the right. He shook it off as maybe just an off day for her therefore she forgot which chair was hers.

There was a few minutes of silence, 137 sheeps to be exact just because he at least wanted to keep one normal routine of his, until finally the girl spoke up "Do you want me to talk about my day?".

Saeran gave a mumble and a nod of approval, the first time he'd ever given a response back to her question but it didn't faze him one bit realizing what he had done.

"Well yesterday I went to an animal shelter and..."

The rest rattled on as the day continued like any other day, once it had reached later in the night and the girl had long disappeared it dawned on Saeran of why today of all days she brought a strange man with her. Who was this strange man?

Was he the one disturbing their sessions?

『 So uh.... currently
working on a 707 story
God, I know I've sinned
but please help me.

Oh and to
clear up a few things!
I've gotten held back twice
in ninth grade
(Meaning I should
be in 11th grade
next year)
It's not because
my grades are shit
but because of my sickness
I've missed too many days
I used to be an
honor roll student :'c』

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