Road Trip

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Alaska's POV
I didn't know how Courtney and Willam had managed to convince me to join their trip to Burning Man, but they magically did. I sat in my drag room, packing the last wigs, pants, boobs and bits of makeup into a suitcase, shoving them in, cramming the case shut. I realised I had to slam down on it, slumping all my weight on top to zip it up. Across the room, on a dark makeup vanity dresser, my phone buzzed. It distracted me from finishing zipping the case up. I strode across the room to pick it up, catching a quick glimpse of my thin, lanky frame in a mirror occupying one of the four corners of the colourful, box shaped room. I picked my phone up and saw that the buzz was a text.
Noodles 👻- Enjoy Boo-ing Man! Don't do too many ouija boards haha x
I laughed pathetically. Sharon had been particularly phony and fake recently. She used to use witty sarcasm to make me laugh but after we broke up, she became a lot less funny to me. I didn't think what she and I once had was love, I mean it was fuelled by drugs and drink not passion and care. Sometimes, I missed her. Other drunk queens in bars around the world reminded me of her, the same mindless, lovable naivety she had. Some physically reminded me of her too, the punk rock style was true to her brand and they were probably inspired by the great Sharon Needles. Who wouldn't be inspired by the drugged, alcoholic, careless, free Sharon I once loved? It's odd how someone can be so close to your heart for so long and then all of a sudden seem so far away and completely different to who you thought they were.

Interrupting my somber thoughts, the noisy minibus purred up to my house. The horn beeped, obnoxious and loudly. As I pelted for my suitcase my phone buzzed again. The horn beeped again, over and over as if a child was pressing it jokingly.
WILLAM- Hurry up and save me from these fucking boring queens pls.
I guessed that from her use of the word 'boring', that although it was the morning of day 1/8, Willam was already bored of Courtney's tedious rambling. I zipped up the cusp of my case, walked over to my jacket slinging it mindlessly around my back. I slipped my clownish feet into my boots, grabbed my phone and left the apartment, locking the door and breathing in deeply. The bus horn honked once more, alarming me. "Get in loser, we're going shopping!" Willam screamed childishly, poking his head out of the window. Anthony, Willam's best friend and allocated bus driver opened the door, walked up the porch and lifted my case into the bus' huge boot. I climbed the stairs and was greeted by more screaming. "Lasky!" Courtney screeched, throwing her arms around me. "Goddamn Court you only saw her last week, bitch." Willam had folded his arms, glancing at us disapprovingly. I pulled a weird face at him, moving my lips about in an awkward fashion. Courtney finally let me go, Anthony came back and started the bus up. "Next stop, BURNING MAN!" We all screamed, celebratory of the trip we were about to embark on.

Willam's POV
As soon as Alaska had come on the bus, Courtney started dancing about, in between the beds, raving to the noise of mine and Alaska's insults. "Courtney, what type of fucked up uppers have you took?" Alaska yelled. "You better not have stolen my coke stash goddamnit!" I shouted back. Courtney said "I think the vodka I took from the fridge was pre mixed."
"Oh." Anthony said.
"Did it say 'WILLAM' on it?" I asked.
Courtney meekly turned the bottle that she had been sipping from around. On it was a huge post it note with my name scrawled across it. "Shit." She said. "Fuckin' Aussie bitch stealing my vodka red bull!" I raved. "You owe me, goddamnit."
She ran away into the closet and emerged moments later. Drunk messy Courtney, with a wig stuck haphazardly on her head and makeup streaked all down her face, stumbled about the trailer, falling into counters and being overall messy. She was falling around and slurring like such a fuckin' lightweight that we stopped the bus just to laugh at her stupid ass. I laughed way too hard and loudly. "Shut up ya dog!" She shouted back, slurring her words so they were more elongated than Alaska's usually were. Anthony started the bus up again, sending Miss Drunk-Ass Act flying down the aisle and into the front of the van. She screamed, flung into the passenger seat and sat, crushing whatever food that was next to Anthony. Out of kindness, I grabbed the bitch, and led her to the bathroom to calm the fuck down. She called me all kinds of gibberish, unrecognisable names.
Courtney's POV
Willam held my wig back as I threw up down the toilet of the bus. She told me how I was a mess, and how she was doing a really good thing for me right now, considering she could be 'doing' someone instead. I noticed that the bus had stopped and it was darker outside. I stopped throwing up for a second and stood up, facing Willam in the tiny little toilet room. There was barely enough space for one of us, never mind both. Mindlessly I remember launching forward, my breath tasting of vomit and trying to kiss Willam. I tried to pretend it didn't happen, and she dismissed it too, as seconds later I was throwing up again.
Willam's POV
I remember vomiting Courtney trying to kiss me in that stall, the first day of Burning Man but the morning after, when she asked what happened, I left that part out. I didn't wanna ruin anything to do with our friendship, especially when we were gonna be stuck in the desert together for a whole week. I think she was just too drunk to think about her actions.

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