Our Drag Night

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Alaska's POV
Willam and Courtney acted kinda distant for the first couple of days. They were pretty much their normal selves apart from the detachment at the end of their conversations. Willam would say something funny or insulting, something that Courtney would usually laugh at but there was just silence. Something was definitely off between those two, but they both denied it. Courtney would say something to make Willam purposefully make fun of her but he hardly did. It reminded me of the way Sharon and I acted after a huge fight. We'd be distant, and not quite normal. It made me wonder what went on in that toilet stall on the first night.
Anyway, we were almost half way through the trip and neither of us had got trade. Willam and Courtney always wanted to go to bed early and as I didn't drink, I followed them, reading for a couple hours before falling asleep. Anthony had been to all of the raves, every single night and had hookups. Part of me was jealous, the other part repulsed by sex. It got to the 4th day before I gave in, joining Anthony and some other Glamcocks at a colourful neon party, and the following night both Willam and Courtney followed. "This is our one drag night!" Willam announced, covering her beard with OCC. "Yeah!" I replied with as I got ready. Courtney was busy picking out an outfit and I grabbed my hip pads and cincher, creating Alaska's elusive curved body.
We had an area set up in the spare room, 3 mirrors bigger than our heads set up across an extremely long table which held at least 100lbs of makeup.
Courtney's POV
I can't believe I tried kissing Willam the other night when I was drunk. What a fuck up. I think Alaska started noticing what's going on between us, how distant we've been. Anyway this was our drag night, we'd found a stage to perform on and we'd got up in our wigs and gigs. I wore my purple, Gatsby style, rhinestoned, leotard outfit, made for last Mardi Gras, complete with a custom coloured and styled pink and purple streaked wig. I wore plain ish nude heels from the BOTS tour to contrast to the whole glitter illusion. Alaska wore a neon orange fitted dress, complete with pointed shoulders and gloves with nails stuck to them in true Alaska style. Willam looked gorgeous as always. Classic Willam with her Louboutins, OCC lip, blue eye and Warner top. We hung out for the first half of the night, socialising with the friends that Anthony had made, a few of them being new burners. I recognised a lot of familiar faces and introduced Alaska to them. We rented bikes together, complete with flashing lights to attract attention to the (quote Willam) "tranimals of the night". One of the boys, Brad, that had followed us dared me to ride naked through the desert but I declined. "You just wanna see her naked!" Willam shouted at him. I'd already unzipped the leotard. "Ewwwww," Alaska had drawled. "I don't." I quickly zipped it back up and declined the dare. We rode back in a line, my eyes wandering to Willam's butt whenever the wind picked up.
Alaska's POV
When we got to the venue, Courtney decided that it was pretty boring so she hung glow sticks from the scaffold frame. "GODDAMNIT COURT! Blue makes my beard show up." Willam yelled. Courtney comes back with "Your beard always shows up, Bill." Heavily intoxicated with whatever alcohol she'd managed to find, Willam ran up to Courtney and slapped her ass playfully. Courtney scowled at her. "Girls! We need to begin the show." I told them as if I was their teacher. Anthony had gone to bring the whole camp and soon a crowd would form in front of this stage. I liked to focus on work, I was always like this.
Willam's POV
I got drunk on purpose. I felt awkward about what Courtney had done still and for someone like me who has to be loud and funny all of the time, it was hard to get past what she did. Truth was I didn't know how to feel. I just drank, did the show and got fuckin' over it, goddamnit.

Authors note: yea I know that this year at Burning Man, Willam had her beard etc. But I wanted her to look hot af for storyline purposes ;).

I wish I didn't //ShalaskaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang