Chapter 1: Coming Back

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Okay so hey guys. I decided to try to make a fan fiction, yet I know it'll be awful so bare with me XD

I'll try to get new chapters in as quickly as possible so don't kill me or anything when it ends abruptly.





I step onto the Hogwarts Express, ready for my seventh year at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The professors had come to conclusion, considering that most of the seventh years last year, meaning me, Ron, Harry, and lots of others were in the Battle of Hogwarts, we get to go through our seventh year this year.

I walk down the middle of the train, compartments on either side, until I find an open compartment and I slip inside. As far as I know, Harry and Ron could already be on the train, but taking notice of the clock, which read 10:55am, they may not be here, considering they're always late for everything.

I set my bags on the seat beside me and look out the glass window, waiting for the train to slowly pull away. I hear the faint bong of the clocks in Kings Cross Station, signaling that the time is now 11:00am, and with a slight jerk the train pulls out of the station.

I continue to set my gaze outside of the window, taking in the scenery like I do every year. Enough though I see the trees and ocean and wildlife every time, I still think it's truly beautiful. My serenity is interrupted by obnoxious voices outside of the door. I turn and see Malfoy, with his stupid side-kick Goyle. I roll my eyes and they laugh and make faces at me through the glass. I get up and open the door and they smirk at me.

"Can I help you? Or are you two just being the obnoxious idiots you always are?" I spat.

"We don't need anything from you, mudblood," Goyle says rudely. I feel my self-esteem lower a little bit, but I don't let them bother me with that insult anymore. I just ignore it.

Malfoy smirks. "That's right, Granger," he says casually. He turns to Goyle. "You go on. I need to do something," he says. He turns to me and I glare at him.

"So?" I say.

"Professor McGonagall sent me to fetch you," he replies.

"For what?" I ask.

"I'm not sure," he admits. "But she said for me to come get you and take you to her office here on the train."

"What about my stuff?"

"Leave it."

I walk down the centre corridor of the train, right behind Malfoy, as he leads me to McGonagall's office. He knocks and is replied to with "Come in." He slides the door open.

"Ah, Miss Granger. Thank you Mr. Malfoy, you may leave," she says. Malfoy steps out of the room and slides the door closed. I turn to Professor McGonagall.

"Am I in trouble?" I ask cautiously.

"No, of course not," she says. "I just wanted to say congratulations."

I raise an eyebrow. "For...?"

"You've gotten the role of the Gryffindor female prefect."

I smile. "Thank you, Professor." I would've rather been Head Girl, but at least I'm not any ordinary student.

I step out of the room and close the door then walk back to my compartment. I see Malfoy sitting inside, right where I was. I glare at him, reluctantly stepping through the doorframe. I walk in and close the door, then face Malfoy and place my hands on my hips.

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