C.J.'s Boyfriend

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So my names Adam and I'm dating C.J. Him and I go way back. We've known each other since I think it was fifth grade. It wasn't until our senior year that we became a couple. Everyone saw this coming or so they say.

I've got a little brother named Dennis whose a really sweet kid. He admitted to being gay at school and is now getting bullied for it. Even though he's out of school, he still gets hate mail every day. I wish I could just bash their heads in for the trouble they're causing him, but that's just my over protective side talking.

Name: Adam McCoy

Age: 21

Height: 6'3

Weight: 157

Personality: smart, funny, caring, protective, intimidating when wanting to

Hobbies: protecting little brother, video games, base, guitar, and skateboarding

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