Adam's Little Brother

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Um...hi my name is Dennis. I'm pretty shy around everyone for the fact that they all hate me for being gay. Um...I love mathematics but hate history.

I guess C.J. has this friend of his starting to live with us in about a week. I'm really nervous about it because it may just be another guy who bullies me. Adam and C.J. both promise he won't but I'll wait to see for myself.

What else?'m single and looking for a really nice guy. I'm also what people call emo I guess. I just like wearing a lot of black. Especially my black beanie and jacket, You can always find me in a band T-shirt of some kind too. I guess...that's really everything about me...I think.

Name: Dennis McCoy

Age: 19

Height: 5'10

Weight: 139

Personality: shy, fearing the worst, smart, depressed, anxiety

Hobbies: keeping grades up, watching anime, skateboarding, video games, and learning guitar

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