Chapter 8

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When I woke this morning, everything seemed the same. Dennis was in the kitchen fixing breakfast for everyone while C.J. rushed to get himself ready for work. I chuckled as he rushed past me with a piece of bread in his mouth.

"Morning Adam." Dennis said with a smile.

"Mornin lil bro. Did you get the mail yet?" I asked as I started to get up.

"Yeah..." He said with a sigh.

"Another hate letter?" I asked coming behind him as he flipped a pancake.

"It's nothing. There's no need to worry. I threw it away already."

"Ok." I said giving him a hug. "You have Jase now to make you happy. Focus on that and forget about those stupid letters."

"I know big bro." he said with a smile.

I slightly looked down and saw the letter poking out of his jeans. But I didn't say anything, it was his choice whether or not he read those hate letters. And even though I wanted to grab it and rip it to shreds, I knew he needed to learn the hard way. I won't be able to protect him from everything in life like I want to.


I smiled as Adam gave me hug. I tried desperately to hide the hate letter I shoved in my pants but I think he saw it. He walked away and I put the pancake on a plate and set it on the counter for when Jase wakes up.

Once I put everything away, I headed up stairs into the bathroom where I could read the letter and cry so no one would notice. I pulled the letter out once I locked the bathroom door. I ripped the top apart as i sighed knowing i was going to regret reading this.

Sup Fagget?!

I know how much you love to read these so I thought, what the fuck? Might as well get my feelings across...You're a gay playboy that no one likes. I'm shocked you haven't killed yourself yet. We all know you should. The world is better off without Faggets like you.

Here's an idea cut up the river or hang your stupid sorry ass of a person from the ceiling. That's all you're good for anyway. Nothin but a bug to be squashed!!! Just give up already!

Life will be way better without you and your stupid homo brother! Shit, even he needs to learn how to die properly just like the rest of you scum in that house!

I clenched the letter in my hands. How dare they say that about my brother! He never did anything to hurt anyone. Everyone was very supportive of my brother being gay. That's the whole reason I, myself, came out and told people. But of course my grade had to be different!

Tears swelled in my eyes as I ripped the paper into pieces until you couldn't tell what it was any longer. I knew reading the letter was going to be a bad idea but... I can't help but feel everyone is right. I do need to kill myself...

I looked at myself in the mirror and saw the ugly fat emo gay everyone picked on and hated. I quickly grabbed my razors and placed it over my wrist. With a quick movement, I lashed upward knowing this was the best way to kill yourself with as much pain a possible. It's like the letter said...go up the river.

I sat there bleeding out on the floor not caring about a thing in the world. The blood pooled closer and closer to the door but I didn't care if they found me. I knew it would be too late. I was going to's what everyone wanted anyway.

I heard the door break down and worried voices rushing before everything went into darkness.

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