Chapter 9

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I ran around the house trying to get ready for work. When Adam told me about the new hate letter, I went up stairs to try and find him before I headed off. He wasn't in his room with Jase and that's when I noticed the bathroom door was closed with the light on. I knocked on the door but he didn't answer.

I felt something wet penetrating my socks and I looked down to see blood. I quickly called for the others as I knocked down the door with a strong kick. There laid Dennis on the floor bleeding from his arm where he had cut himself. I quickly picked him up and ran down stairs telling Adam and Jase we had to get to the hospital ASAP.

We got into the car and Jase desperately tried to stop the bleeding with a towel in the back seat. I drove as fast as I could not wanting to lose him. When we reached the hospital they took him on a bed and rushed him to the back still putting pressure on his arm.

One of the nurses told us we had to stay in the waiting room and it just pissed me off. I took this time to run outside and call my work place telling them what had happened and that I wouldn't be making it in. They totally understood and wished us the best of luck. 

When I walked back in side, both Adam and Jase were holding on to each other with tears in their eyes. I walked over and embraced both of them as I fought back my own tears. We all cared so much for Dennis and the last thing any of us wanted was for him to die here and now. He has so much in his life that is good whether he sees it or not.

After about an hour of worrying and crying, a doctor finally came and called out Adam's name.

"Adam McCoy?" the doctor yelled. Immediately we all rushed over to him waiting to hear the news on Dennis no matter if it was good or bad.

"That's me. How is he doc? Will he be ok?"

"I'm sorry. Dennis has lost a lot of blood. It's hard to tell but we believe he won't last through the night. He made two cuts up his arm that almost bleed him dry. Again I'm sorry."

"Is there anything you can do? Give him a blood transplant... something... anything!" I yelled not caring that we were in a small building.

"I can only do that if he had a chance of living but he's lost so much blood that at this point a transplant might not even work. I'm sorry." And he walked to the front deck talking with the ladies.

I held Adam in my arms as he cried his eyes out over what he was going to lose. Jase just stood there trying to grasp what the doctor had just told us. You could see the wheels in his head slowly turning before his knees became weak and he fell to the floor, tears streaming down his face.

"He... he can't die. Not now. Not after I just go him. Why? Why would he do this to himself?"

"I don't know Jase. All we can do is pray for a miracle."


I cried like I had never cried before at the words of the doctor. I couldn't bare the thought of losing my baby brother from this world. I was supposed to protect him and I failed. I didn't save him... I can't. They say there's nothing they can do. How could I let this happen. I should have taken the letter. I should have ripped it to shreds instead of turning a blind eye.

C.J. held onto me tightly as I stained his shirt with my tears. Everything was so fuzzy and I could barely even think straight. A hand was placed on my back and I turned around too find one of the nurses. Her blonde hair and dark blue eyes made her features stand out.

"I'm sorry you're going through this. I can get you to see your brother if you like." She said with a concerned smile.

"Please, I want to see him." I said standing up and letting go of C.J.

"All of you please come with me." 

We followed her to a door that was locked. She used her key code and looked around to make sure everything was clear. Once inside, she took us down different hallways before opening a door. We walked inside and there laid Dennis in a bed with his eyes closed. He looked to be in pain by the way his eyes would squint every so often.

I rushed to his side and took his good hand with my own. I kissed it and hoped and prayed he would make it. C.J. sat next to me with his hand on my shoulder while Jase sat on the other side of the bed. Different machines were hooked up along with a blood bag. 

So they were already giving him a transplant even though they said it might not work. I gave a faint smile knowing they were trying to save my baby brother. I closed my eyes and tried to think of some good memories to keep my mind occupied.


Dennis age 7

"Big bro, why do people always pick on me but love you? I just don't understand it."

"Well that's easy Dennis. It's because you don't stand up for yourself. You always rely on me to come and save you. One of these days I won't be there to protect you and you'll have to stand up for yourself."


Dennis age 12

"Adam, I think I might be like you."

"What do you mean like me? We look alike and all but you're nothing like me."

"No I mean.... well I think..... I don't know..... but..... I like boys too!"

My heart ached as he fumbled for the words but was finally being true to himself. I smiled and ruffled his hair saying that I knew he'd find the courage to come out and say it.


Dennis age 16

"I hate my school!"

"Why? What happened Dennis?"

"They won't stop bullying me. Every day since I came out and said I was gay, they constantly tease me and say hateful words that makes me want to kill myself. Why can't they be like your friends and accept me for who I want to be?"

"They don't accepted you because they're not your friends. If they were true friends then they wouldn't be doing these things. Go and talk to the principle or your guidance counselor. They'll take care of the bullies and watch out after you."

"I don't want to become a snitch! That's what they'll call me and I'll get bullied even worse than before! You know nothing Adam! I don't even know why I talk to you about these things. You never give any good advice!"

My eyes filled with tears as that memory crossed my find. That was the worst day because it was the day he started cutting himself. I tried to talk him out of hurting himself but for a full year he refused to talk to me about anything that happened at school. He was slipping from my fingers and I had to do something.

And I did. I took him away from our parents and told the school about what was going on. Of course they couldn't fix the entire situation but they were able to stop the bullying for a while. Dennis started opening up to me again and things went back to the way they used to be. 

He asked me more questions and talked to me when he needed help with anything. I thought that everything was going to be alright and they were for a while until he decided to go and do this. I don't understand why he would want to kill himself. He has three amazing people who have his back and we all live together.

So why would he decide that killing himself would be the best plan of action? Why would he go and cause us the pain of losing him? Does he not understand our feeling towards him? Does he not get that we'll do anything to keep him safe in our arms forever?

My Roommates (Boy x Boy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora