Chapter 1

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Warning I'm going to be switching between point of views but I'll always say who and make it clear for you all.

Now sit back and enjoy my book...


I'm really nervous right now. I'm driving to my best friend's, C.J., place. I'm going to be staying with him until I can get my singing career up and running.

I don't know what's waiting for me when I arrive. C.J. said his boyfriend and his brother lives there too so we'll just have to see how things go.

I pulled into the drive way and felt a pit in my stomach become thicker. It just didn't feel right. I'm living in the same house with two gay people. At least the little brother will hopefully understand the awkwardness of the situation.

I got out of the car and was greeted by C.J. we said our hellos as we did our secret hand shake. We laughed as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and told me to come inside.

"You must be Jase. I'm Adam." A boy not much older than me said. He had black hair he pushed to the side and green eyes that never left my face. I smiled and reached my hand out to give him a handshake.

"Yeah that me. You must be C.J.'s boyfriend." I said kindly.

"Indeed I am." He said shaking my hand. "You need to meet my lil brother. He's the same age as you. Dennis!" He yelled. "I'm hoping you two can become friends. He needs some."

Not even a minute later a guy only a little shorter than myself walked down the stairs. His rich, dark black hair swung from one side to another just hiding his chocolate brown eyes. His lips were a light pink like he had been biting on them.

Something in that very moment sprung in both my heart and stomach. All I could think about was having his lips pressed against my own.


Sitting at my window, I watch as cars race down the streets. Time seemed to stop whenever I sat here at the indoor seating ledge. It may sound like a girly think to do but then again, I wouldn't know.

I watched as a black Chevrolet pulls into the driveway. Once the engine stopped humming, C.J. walked outside as the mystery guy got out of the car. I could just barely hear them says their hello's before they started towards the front door.

Moments later, my brother called for my name. It was time to meet our new roommate. I walked out of my room and down the stairs sluggish. I didn't really care all that much.

But the moment I saw his face, I fought the boner that tried desperately to pop out. God was he hot. His light brown hair swinging to the side much like my own. And god those eyes of his. Those baby blue eyes that held my gaze for what seemed like years.

I could just see...hear...feel all the naught positions and doings I wanted done to both my own and his body. God did I crave for those perfectly shaped slightly dark pink lips of his.

"Dennis, this is Jase." C.J. said taking my gaze away from him.

"Hi." I said trying to fight now both the lump in my throat and boner. God this is bad I really need to leave. He's just too hot!

I look at Adam and C.J. trying to give them a hidden message through my face but no good luck. We stood there in silence before Jase cleared his throat and asked" So where am I?"

"Well we were wondering if you'd be ok with sleeping in Dennis's room. Its the biggest and can be made into two rooms." Adam spoke up.

"If not we can figure it out." C.J. added in.

"Nah it's cool. Looks like we'll be roomies. You cool with that?" Jase asked putting his fist up for a fists bump.

"I'm cool with it as long as you are." I said connecting our fists. He gave me a smile that made my heart melt. God this is going to be a nightmare.

"We'll help you get your boxes. Can you clear the other side of your room Dennis?" Adam asked as he, C.J. and Jase headed outside.

I headed up stairs were I was finally able to let go of anything I held back. I did what I was told and waited for them to come in with things.

Just watching them gave me a headache. I sighed and sat on my bed as everyone did something to help Jase. This is going to be interesting indeed.

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