Chapter 4

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When I woke up, all I saw was black. Black hair in my face from the position Dennis was sleeping in. His face was buried into my chest with his arms pulled closely to his own. I breathed out and a few strands of hair blew away from my face and returned when I breathed in.

I pulled his body closer to my own because the blanket was not keeping me warm. I was cold and his body temperature was much higher than my own. Or maybe it was because something was stirring up inside as I held Dennis within my arms.

Part of me thinks that I might be developing a liking towards him but not in a friend matter but as more of a lover.

I laughed at the thought of Dennis being my lover until I realized I the thought caused something down under to come alive.

I slowly moved my body away, looking down to make sure he didn't notice and that's when I saw it. I wasn't the only one alive downstairs.

Dennis slowly raised his head up, his face red with embarrassment. Neither knew what to say. But when I looked into his eyes, this urge to kiss him clouded my brain.

"I'm...I'm sorry. It you see..." Dennis tried to explained but I cut him of.

"No words are needed. And no one needs to know. We both are having a little trouble and that's all there is to it. I'm going to get dressed now."

And with that I got out of the bed and proceeded to put some clothes on for the awkward day both of us started.

The rest of the day was harmless, or so you could say. We first started to play meaningless card games and it turned to the worse when we hit truth or dare.

"I dare C.J. to....."I was trying to think of a good idea when Dennis pointed to his jeans. " take you pants off the rest if the game."

C.J. did what he was dared to do and we continued playing the game.


Truth or dare was fun. We each came up with different ideas for dares and really good questions for truth. Jase was able to make C.J. take his pants off and Adam made me take my shirt off and give him ten dollars.

But everything turned around from fun and games to torture when I got dared to do something I never thought they would go to.

"Dennis, truth or dare?" C.J. asked me.

"I'll go with dare. But nothing too bad, got it?!"

"I dare you to kiss Jase."

Time froze with just one sentence. He dared me to kiss Jase and although I wanted desperately to do so, I didn't want to do it like this.

I looked at Jase then back to C.J. Was he being serious. He wanted to see me kiss Jase. But why?

"Um...I don't...that might be..." I tried to plead my case but nothing was coming out.

"Nope! You can't chicken out or you go nude the rest of the game. That was the rule. Now just kiss him and lets get on with the game. And I do mean a deep kiss."

I looked at Jase who was looking back at me. He nodded his head and we got closer to each other. I looked to his lips then back to his eyes. Both our breathing got heavier as our lips got closer.

They slowly came together but they didn't morph to one another. The kiss was nothing like I had expected. I tried not to have passion but I felt something on his end of the kiss.

When we pulled apart, both our faces were red between the heat we created. I looked down as I saw Jase turn in towards C.J.

"Those next?" He asked.

"Actually, I'm going to bed." I said quickly rising to my feet. I ran up the stairs to my room and changed into my PJ's.

Before I was able to get into bed, my arm was grabbed and I was pushed against the door. In front of me stood Jase.

"What the hell Dennis? You kiss me like that then run off. What's going on in that head of yours?" He asked.

" mean..." I just couldn't get anything out of my mouth.

"That's all that ever comes out of your mouth. Random words. I get that your shy and all but seriously?! And that wasn't even a good kiss." He kept going on and on about different things and the only thing my mind was set on was giving his a good kiss.

I grabbed the sides of his head and brought him to me causing our lips to smash. This time, our mouths moved in sync. His arms wrapped around my body pulling me closer to his.

I moved back out of breath and he attached me this time. He pinned me against the door causing our bodies to get closer to another.

I pulled away and pushed on his chest putting distance between us as a looked down.

"We stop." I managed to say between my heavy breathing. I looked up and saw him with a smile.

"Ok. If that's what you want." I watched as he changed into his PJ's and proceeded to climb in his bed. I turned the light out and climbed into my own but I faced the wall. There was no way I would be able to face him after what just happened.

That night I went over everything that happened between us and I couldn't help but smile. I had finally done something I wanted to do to another man.

I got my first kiss.

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