Chapter 8- Her Hatred

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Sam had been taking physiotherapy sessions regularly...Raima and Snehal's motivation had ignited the desire in her to stand and be herself again...face everything again...Sam checked the projects Raima was working on...she came across Arjun's project and her face lit up...Sam

POV; 'Wow Rini you really must be good that Arjun hired I will help you making this project a success' Sam quickly dialed Raima...she got a loving response; ''yes Sammy''

Sam; ''Congrats are working with Arjun''

Raima; ''Nope...he is working with me...''

Sam rolled her eyes; ''Ok he is working with you...can I help....he is an amazing person...and I know him too''

Raima smiled; ''want to meet him''

Sam lost her smiled; ''Not now Rini....I am not ready...but one day for sure..till then I will work from home''

Raima; ''Sam let me know when you are ready...BLING awaits its CEO''

Sam; ''Rini you built it...I don't want it''

Raima; ''you would the same if it were me in your place....and I am not giving you anything for are working on all my projects and based on your eligibility and your quality of work you will be take a chill pill and give your best''

Sam imitated Raima; ''GIVE UR BEST...'' they laughed and Sam disconnected.

BLING Office

Raima leaned on her chair and smiled...her POV; ''I shared this project because I knew you were friends with Arjun...I want Arjun to bring Nitin down...Sam made Nitin and now indirectly you will bring him down by moving Arjun up...Nitin you don't know I am going to hit you hard... straight on your heart''

Snehal understood all she broke Raima's trance ; ''So the feelings you have been throwing at Arjun are fake are using him''

Raima stared at Snehal with a blank expression. ....She got up from her chair and walked towards the majestic glass window...Raima kept her back at Snehal and then asked; ''Do you think its feelings''

Snehal was angry..she shot back; ''with you anything is possible''

Raima smiled sadly...; ''Then so be it...I have stopped answering people....I cannot force anyone to believe or not'' Raima turned around...facing Snehal...the room lighting was minimum as Raima loved dark...and right now her position with light was such that her face was in light yet dark...her eyes were piercing Snehal knew this was the sign of ending the discussion...Raima with a stoned voice asked...''.I think I gave you some it done?''

Snehal; ''Yes...these are list of Nitin's endorsements....the projects he was and is working plus the new ones''

Raima; ''Good...I think you should leave office hours are over...and Sam will be feeling lonely''

Snehal; ''What about you''

Raima; ''I will be late....the car is ready...leave''

Snehal nodded and spoke in soft voice; ''I know you will no more tell me what your plans are...but I won't budge till I stop you''

Raima smirked and gave Snehal an open challenged; ''I never want you to are my only hope kiddo...I trust you'' Snehal stood confused...Raima threw and emotional ball knocking her out...Snehal may or may not agree...but she could never deceive Raima'' Snehal walked out and pressed the elevator button...As the doors slid open...Snehal froze...there stood Nitin ...all murderous...he walked out and Snehal blocked his path; ''How can you just walk in like need to leave''

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