The Mambo Craze. | Samifer AU.

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Sam sighed as Dean pulled his car up in front of the building. His heart was racing, his chest raising and falling down quickly as he stared out of the window nervously. He almost jolted up into his seat when he felt Dean's hand touch his leg, “Hey, it's gonna be okay.” His brother smiled at him and laughed after, trying to reassure Sam. “You're gonna be just fine.”

“Do you think?” Sam furrowed his eyebrows, and pulled away from the window.

“Ofcourse Sammy,” Dean brushed his hair to the side with a smile, “You're a good dancer, alright? I'm sure everyone will be surprised the way you dance. I know you always wanted to go to a real dance school, now here you are.” He pointed out of the window, but Sam didn't wanted to look back or else his heart might would've jumped out. Dean grabbed Sam's brown chocolate scarf out of the backseats from the Impala, and pulled it around his little brother's neck.

“There you go.” He smiled into those nervous eyes of Sam, and booped his nose. “Now, go.”

Sam nodded and grabbed at the door handle, as he pulled and got out of the Impala with his stomach flipping endlessly. This was a big step for him, dancing was Sam's passion since he was seven years old. The memories when he thinks back right there...yes, he is an amazing dancer, and he was going to show it to everyone.

The first time he started dancing was when he saw the show Dirty Dancing on the TV. Well first he didn't see anything cool in the dancing stuff, but he kept watching it without noticing, and slightly started to like the moves they were making. He got into it, and started to dance on some songs when he turned seven years old. Dean would always be watching from the door, peeking with a smug smile onto his face. Seeing Sam dance, pretending someone was in front of him dancing along, it looked so adorable.

Dean would never forget, those moments his brother danced on orchestra music. It was kinda funny, but also beautiful to watch. Sam had even found out his own dance moves, but he had this secret that nobody knew. He couldn't dance on slow music, only fast music.

“Hi.” Sam turned his head to look at a girl smiling up at him. He smiled back, and nodded. “My name is Anna Milton. You?” She asked,  her eyelashes fluttering. Sam flushed red and smiled down at his feet as he replied, “I'm Sam...Winchester.”

“Nice to meet you.” She nudged her shoulder into his, “We should be friends you and I.”

He didn't reply to that, he only smiled. Sam took a good view of her, as she watched the elevator in front both of them. She had long red hair, and her eyes were the most beautiful green-ish colour he had ever seen. “So, you're new at the dance school?” She suddenly asked, getting him out of his thoughts and he blinked twice before stuttering “U-uh yeah, I am.” He smirked and scratched the back of his neck.

The elevator came down, and opened. “Ah, there it is. Come on Sam!” She yelled, and Sam let out a loud yelp as she grasped at his hand and tugged him in violently causing him to almost trip in beside her. She pushed the button number five, the doors from the elevators slowly closing. They were alone into the small little room, the silence filling in so perfectly. It was awkward, but Sam didn't know what to say either.

Once the doors opened again, she got out with a smile into the hall and Sam grabbed his bag from the ground before running after her quickly. “The room is nearby, it's room twenty-four.” She whispered to him as they walked down the hall quietly.

When they approached, Sam could hear the music playing. It was something he must've smiled of, because his favourite music was playing. Anna opened the door, grinning up at Sam as they entered. Everyone stopped with what they were doing and turned to Sam, and the room fell silent. His breathing hitched, and he swallowed. Those eyes were burning into his skin, and he stepped back for a moment.

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