Protecting my kid

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Mia walked happily with her parents to the ice cream parlor. They decided to get some Ice cream for Nick's and Judy's anniversary of being partners. Mia kept on running around them, giggling and smiling. Judy and Nick stopped walking for a second.

"Ok, which parlor should we go to?"

"Well, we can go over the one on stripe street.

"Really? But the portions there are so small! Let's try bear boulevard-"

"Where's Mia?" Judy looked around for their daughter but didn't see her. "Mia?" Judy called out.

"MIA?!" Just a second later, they heard a blood-curdling scream. Judy and Nick took off towards the direction of the sound. Nick getting faster by the minute. He reached there first to see Mia uncontrollably sobbing while holding her bleeding arm. Nick snarled as he got on all fours and jumped in front of his daughter. The wolf got on all fours as well. The fox snapped. He pounced on the wolf and started to attack. Mia became horrified by the sight. Judy rushed in and grabbed Mia running away to their home. "D-Daddy!"

Mia stared at the front door for hours. Waiting for her father. Judy saw this and sighed,

"Honey, time for bed, your daddy will be here-"

"No, he won't." She said firmly. Judy blinked. "Mia I-" Judy's ears shot up to hear the door unlocking. Out stepped Nick. His clothes slightly torn and blood rushing down his side.

"S-Sorry.." Mia sobbed and rushed to her father, hugging him.

Zootopia Nick x Judy Drabbles! [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now