A New Family

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Judy's hand shakes as she was handed a cup of coffee. A dark tan mongoose sat beside her.

"Isn't this great? You and Nick are having a baby!" She smiled as she put her paw over the rabbit's paw. Judy sighed and looked down.

"I just...never thought it was possible."

"Well, it OBVIOUSLY is!"

"Yeah, Sapphire, but I don't even know if I want to keep this baby!" She snapped. Sapphire looked in shock and disappointment. She looked down as her ears fell back, Judy covered her mouth as her ears went down.

"Sapph, I'm so sorry..." The mongoose shook her head.

"No, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking about you. It's you and Nick's call. But you might want to tell him soon." Judy nodded at Sapphire. Jumping from her seat to go back to her apartment. She opened the door. They had recently moved out of the loud house apartment, she sat on the couch and cuddled a pillow. The door opened, she cringed and buried her face in the pillow.

"Carrots, I'm home." No response just tears coming from her eyes.

"Carrots?" Nick peered into the living room. He sat beside her and tapped her ear, making it jerk up in response. He chuckled and knelt down to it.

"What's wrong Carrots?"



"I'm phmhmhmhphm."


"I'm Pregnant Nick! I'm Pregnant for Dogs sake!" She sobbed as Nick's eyes widen. She looked at him and sobbed even more. Nick slowly smiled.

"Judy, that's amazing news! It's going to be okay!" She sniffled and pushed his hands away from her face.

"But I don't even know if I want to keep it. Wh-What if it hurts me? What if once it grows up it becomes sad and depressed cause it's different?" She sobbed as Nick looked out the window. Not knowing what to say. He knew he wanted to keep the baby. But Judy... He sighed.

"If you really want to get rid of the baby, I won't stop you."

"Huh?" Judy looked up at the ginger fox. Her eyes red and puffy from crying. He smiled down at her sadly.

"Of course I want to keep the baby, but it's all about what you want Judy." Judy slightly touched her belly as she thought for a moment. A...fox bunny hybrid...the child would for surely be bullied. But she didn't care. He was right. She looked up at him.

"Get a crib."

Zootopia Nick x Judy Drabbles! [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now