↠ chapter seven

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I feel his his arms around my body and my body starts to heat up. I turn around and look straight into his eyes, thinking that I misheard or that he said something else. I didn't really know what to say so he started first.
"Let's just be together. I don't want to care about anything else but us."
I would give him my heart if he asks for it to be honest, he can have it. I just don't want to break up with him again. I'm so afraid that I will be alone again, without Hansol.
"But we can't just date normally when your manager doesn't approve our relationship. I don't want you to be in trouble because of me" I say.
"I know, that's the problem.. let's try to keep it a secret as long as possible for now. I will talk to my manager about this and try to make him accept it" he says.
I look on the ground and just nod my head. I really want this to work out but with all the circumstances it seems futile. He lifts my head with his hand and asks me if I want to eat Ddeokbeokki with him to which I agree and we head out to the street food market.

_ _ _

*omniscient narrator pov*

"I broke up with Y/N" lies Hansol to his manager.
"Are you sure?" the manager asks suspiciously.
"Yeah. So don't look for her anymore."
"How can I believe you?"
"You can't do anything but believe me" Hansol tries to end the conversation.
The manager throws some pictures on the table, and with a closer look Hansol recognizes who's on these pictures. It was Y/N and Hansol himself. These are pictures taken by someone when Y/N and Hansol went to eat Ddeokbokki yesterday.
"Did you say you broke up with her? Do you see me as a joke?"
"I have nothing to say.." Hansol stutters.
"Of course, you shouldn't have anything to say. It's obvious and I'm going to meet Y/N again to end this" says the manager.
"Don't. I really won't meet her again" says Hansol with a shaky voice.
"Really?"asks the manager.
"Yes, you won and I lost. Please leave her alone."
"Alright, I got it and you better break up with her for real now. You don't want to hurt her, right? So it's the best when you break up" says the manager and leaves the room.

It's evening and Hansol and Seungkwan just got out of their favorite restaurant where they had dinner and are planning to go to the Han River now to chill and relax because they have no schedule for the next three days. Y/N and Hansol haven't talked to each other the past few days due to the fact that they can't date publicly, the manager has an eyes on them and Y/N doesn't want to damage his image. At first it was quite hard for both to resist to contact each other but they tried the best to accept the situation. They both encounter from time to time when Y/N comes over to the practice room. Hoshi, Joshua and Y/N became really close because one day they saw her sitting on a bench in the park next to the Pledis building, she looked really sad and depressed so they walked up to her to comfort her. And since then they all met regularly, went to dinners and parties and spent a lot time together.

"You seem upset these days, what's on your mind?" asks Seungkwan, he knew exactly that his best friend is sad about something.
"You know, all I ever wanted was to reach out and touch another human being, not with my hand but with my heart. I really developed feelings for Y/N.. I can't quite grasp my feelings myself, because I've never actually felt this for someone. I don't want to hurt her and always break up because of our manager but I know as well that we would have a hard time being together.." says Hansol downhearted.
"Wow, you really like her, right?" Seungkwan says.
"Yeah, I really do.. she is different from other girls. All I know is that she's something special."
"Damn, I wish I could help you to make it work."
"Ah, you already did enough, bro. You always listen to my whining" Hansol smiles.

Seungkwan and Hansol are about to leave when they suddenly see Hoshi and Y/N walking towards them, both are laughing together and it seems like they have a lot of fun which wakens Hansol's jealousy.
Hansol chews on his bottom lip as he looks at Y/N and greets her and Hoshi. The atmosphere between them is just so weird and strange.
"Come with me" says Hansol to Y/N.
"No,it's okay" she says.
Hansol reaches out for Y/N's hand to get her away from Hoshi and to come with him instead but Y/N refuses.
"Stop it, she said she doesn't want to" Hoshi grabs his hand to stop him.
"Let go" says Hansol to Hoshi, "Let's talk" he refers to Y/N.
"We broke up, why do we need to talk?" she answers.
Hansol didn't really know what to say because she was actually right, they broke up.
"What are you guys doing now? Where are you going?" asks Hansol.
"We just had dinner together and want to watch a movie at Y/N apartment now" Hoshi answers for Y/N. Usually Hoshi and Hansol are really close to each other, like all the other members, but tonight something changed between them.
Hansol wasn't satisfied with the answer and wanted to pull Y/N away but Seungkwan stopped him before he could do a move. Seungkwan whisphers "Let it be and let's go home" in Hansol's ear, he tried to calm him down and didn't want them to fight.
"We gotta go now, see you guys!" says Seungkwan finally and drags Hansol away.

"What was that? I've never seen Hansol so angry.. did I say something wrong?" asks Hoshi confused.
"No, I don't know what's wrong with him either" lies Y/N, because Hoshi doesn't know that she and Hansol were in a relationship not too long ago but she didn't plan to tell him because it was over anyways.
"Hm, weird.. anyways lets go watch the movie!" shouts Hoshi enthusiastic and both make their way to Y/N apartment.

_ _ _

*Y/N pov*

"Wow, you live at the rooftop? The view is amazing here" Hoshi looks over Seoul and enjoys the view.
"Yeah, right? I always come here when I feel sad and the view just boosts my mood immediately" I say.
"Do you feel sad often? asks Hoshi.
"Well.. lately yes I would say, but it's not a big deal" I try to appear tough.
"Do you want to talk about it? I'm a good listener! You can tell me everything" Hoshi says and I feel so touched because he's just so cute. 
"I'm not ready to talk about it yet to be honest, but thank you Hoshi, I really appreciate it! And maybe I'll tell you soon" I smile.
"Alright, just hit me up when you feel like it" Hoshi smiles back.

We watch the movie Cloud Atlas and it was actually the first movie Hansol and I watched together because it's Hansol's favorite movie. Hoshi hasn't watched this movie yet but always wanted to, so we simply decided to watch it right now because it really is a good movie indeed.
We made popcorn and bought some soft drinks earlier and we both just enjoy each other's presence. It really takes my mind off things and makes me to stop thinking about Hansol as well and I feel kind of relieved for the longest time.
The movie was over and I just realize that I fell asleep on Hoshi's shoulder, his arm around me and he covered me with the blanket.
"Did you sleep well?" asks Hoshi jokingly and I quickly lift my head from his shoulder.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry I fell asleep. I'm just really tired these days I don't get enough sleep at night" I yawn.
"No, it's alright! You have seen the movie already so that's cool. But the movie was so good!"
"Right? I really like it as well" I say.
I realize that his arm is still around me and somehow I don't even mind it. I might have just been so numbed by all of the pain I felt recently that I couldn't sense anything else.
Our eyes meet, he licks his lips and lifts his hand towards my face and comes closer to me. I bite my lips and try not to blink, my heart starts to beat really fast. What is he going to do? 

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