Rexy and Scarlet becomes Human

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When they arrived there, Scarlet saw a screen on how the progress is gonna be.

"Crawr Crawr rrraaaaah?"

"Calm down Scarlet. This won't hurt one bit" Tails said while leading Scarlet to a circle where the humanzier laser was gonna hit her.

"Scarlet, be calm. Look at me before Tails turns you human" Shadow tells Scarlet. The scarlet-red raptor looked at Shadow but she was feeling nervous at the same time.

"Alright, here goes nothing.!" Tails pulled the lever and the laser hits Scarlet, making her whole body glow. The raptor screeches in pain when her body changes, her tail disappeared, her toes goes from four to five toes and the hands grows a thumb and pinky fingers. The claws became finger and toe nails, her snout got shorter and her teeth became square, from her head top red hair grew out and her eyes turns into human eyes. She then collapses on the floor.

"Scarlet?" Shadow goes up to her and sees a human female lying on the floor naked with her leg and arms covering her privates and breasts. Shadow takes a blanket and puts it over the girl.

Scarlet is now human and she opens her eyes to see Shadow, sitting up straight for the first time while holding the blanket to cover her nude body.

"Scarlet, can you hear me? Are you feeling okay?" Shadow asked in concern.

"........" Scarlet tries to make a 'crawr' noise but her throat felt different, she looks down at her human hands.

"It worked. She's human now" Tails said.

"But can she speak in human words like us?" Amy asked.

"Scarlet, try saying your name" Shadow said.

"Scar....let" Scarlet spoke.

Scarlet gasps at saying her first words, "I-I-I can talk?!"

But Shadow puts a hand on her shoulder, "Yes, don't worry, you'll be back to normal after two or three days. So no need to worry" he said, "Also, you need some clothes too" he added with a blush.


Later, Scarlet wore a Jurassic World T-shirt, blue jean shorts and sneakers.

"This is so awesome! I look like a teenage human! Wow!" Scarlet squealed in joy.

"Yeah. Now come with me and we can see around here in the park. Nebula must see you in this state" Shadow said, holding Scarlet's hand.

"Okay then, 'daddy'." Scarlet teased Shadow. The black red hedgehog chuckled at Scarlet's joke.

"Later we can see the Indominus Rex if you want. She is very special" Shadow said.

"Indomi-....who?" Scarlet was curious.

"Indominus Rex, a new dinosaur here. Let's go to see Nebula" Shadow said. Amy and Tails watched the two leave and they turned to each other.

"Now Tails, show me the Indominus Rex" Amy said.

"Very well" Tails nodded. They go up to the helicopter above the laboratory and flies over the jungle and the monorail train nearby. Tails was a skilled pilot even after getting his license.


"'s all right, big girl. Next time don't try to head-butt too much. It could damage your skull you know" Nebula cleaning off the blood from the pachycephalosaurus's head. She knew that males resist head-butts more than the females.

As soon as she was done cleaning the blood off the dinosaur's bony head, she puts a wrapped bandage on her injured head so that the wound won't get any infections.

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