First Time at the Main Street

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At the Jurassic World Lagoon, everyone was sitting at the tribune above the lagoon. Shadow and Scarlet were there but then saw Rexy, Nebula, and Sonic coming up to them to site next to them.

"Hi guys, ready to see our shy girl Mosasaurus?" Shadow asked them.

"Just because she's big does not mean she's shy" Sonic said and sat on the seat next to Rexy and Nebula. Then Knuckles came up on the balcony near the pool, ready to announce the mosasaurus.

"The mosasaurus was thought to have hunted near the surface of the water, where it preyed on anything it could sink its teeth into, including turtles, large fish, even smaller mosasaurs" Knuckles said to the crowd through a microphone. Then a great white shark was reeled in above the pool and stopped in the middle on the cable.

"Okay folks let's see if she's hungry after already eating today. She's a little shy so give her a hand when she comes out" Knuckles said.

"It won't jump on us, Shadow?" Scarlet asked.

"Nope, watch now. Here she comes!" Shadow points at the pool. They all watched how the mosasaurus jumped out of the water.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!" the mosasaurus roared and ate the shark. When it fell back into the pool a large splash of water soaked the crowd and they all cheered.

"Oh, man! I hate the water!" Sonic shivered.

"Huh?" Rexy was confused.

"Oh, he hates the water because he can't swim" Shadow said.

"I need to overcome my fear" Sonic sighs. Then the crowd got lowered down in the show.

"Now let's have a closer look at our mosasaurus" Knuckles said while all of the tourists and the gang saw the mosasaurus eating the last part of the shark.

"She has 88 teeth!" Nebula smiled.

"Damn, she's a lot bigger than the dinosaurs on land" Rexy said.

"Yup. Good thing she can't walk on land. But if you're too close to the water, she will be able to grab you" Nebula said.

"Okay, that makes her the queen of reptiles" Rexy smiles nervously.

"It's alright. You are queen of Isla Nublar after all" Nebula smiled.


Later, Scarlet heads back to her sisters and she was trying to communicate with them as a human. But it was trouble since they don't recognize their own sister as a human being. Good thing they know English too so she decides to talk like a human to them.

"Girls, it's me Scarlet" she said.

"Crawr....." Amber walks up to her to look at her eyes.

She saw she got Scarlet's eye color and she wags her long tail happily, "Crawr Cawr!" Amber cawed and Scarlet then waves her hand to her other sisters.

"Jackie, Zena, come here!" Scarlet called for them.

"Crawr?" they cawed.

"Crawr...crawr...crawr!" Amber told them that it's Scarlet.

"Crawr....crawr?" they cawed.

"Yup, I'm human but it's only temporary" Scarlet said.

(Raptor language; Scarlet talks normal and understand what her sisters are saying)

"For how long?" Zena asked her

"One day has almost passed, I got two more days left when I'm back as a Velociraptor" Scarlet said.

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