Rexy vs Indominus Rex

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Sonic arrived at the Main Street and saw the quetzalcoatlus on the street knocking over some lampposts and even grabbed a hot dog cart.

"Amy! GET DOWN!!!" Sonic tackled Amy to the restaurant place.

The giant pterosaur saw them and then tried to peck the hedgehogs until Sonic whacks it with a chair, then he spin-dashes at it out from the restaurant.

"You want my girlfriend, come and get me!" Sonic shouted and tossed his jacket aside and the quetzalcoatlus snaps at Sonic again but missed when he jumped on its back and held onto the neck, causing it to flap the wings wildly and it began flying over the big pool.

"Sonikku! Be careful!" Amy screamed. Sonic noticed the mosasaurus shape in the water and then looks after something to jump onto before it jumps out.

He saw Rouge flying in the air, "Rouge! Catch me!"

Rouge sees him and flies down to him and the quetzalcoatlus, "Take my hand!" Rouge said and Sonic jumps off the quetzalcoatlus before the mosasaurus catches the pterosaur with her jaws and drags her down the water. Rouge and Sonic looked down and they sigh in relief.

"Thanks Rouge. Now let's get on land" he said.

"No worries Big Blue" Rouge said and flies to the shore, letting Sonic be on his feet again.

"Now, how long before the Indominus Rex comes to the Main Street?" Sonic wondered.

"I don't know, less than an hour" Rouge said.

"SONIC YOU IDIOT!!!!" Amy ran up to the blue hedgehog that flinched in fear, "You almost scared the hell out of me! Flying on that large quetzalcoatlus! And almost got eaten by the mosasaurus! But I'm glad you're alive" she hugged him tightly, "Just don't ever do that again! That was crazy!"

"Amy chillax. I know I did something crazy but I had to save you" Sonic hugged her back.

"Just never do that again" Amy cried on his chest.

"I promise" Sonic said.

"I was just so scared, but I want to say thank you" Amy said and looked into Sonic's eyes.

"At least I got you" Sonic said and kissed her. Rouge smiled at the two kissing. Then the two hedgehogs pulled apart and looks at Rouge.

"Oh yes um. We must wait for the raptors and secure the baby dinosaurs in the petting zoo" Sonic said.

"Okay then. Let's go" Rouge said and the three heads to the gentle giant petting zoo to check the baby dinosaurs if they are alright.


When they arrived there, some of the baby where hiding from being scared of hearing Indominus Rex's roar.

"Hey, it's okay, guys" Sonic said.

A triceratops baby with a gallimimus baby came out with the other baby dinos and they saw Sonic, Amy and Rouge. Sonic picked up a gallimimus baby and caresses its back and neck. It made a purring like sound and nuzzled against his shirt. Rouge and Amy goes in to the baby dinosaurs to comfort them so they are not so scared.

"Come here fella, Rouge got you" Rouge said and pets a baby stegosaurus.


Shadow and his friends are at Rexy's paddock and they don't have much time left before the Indominus Rex reaches the Main Street. Though there's no people there which is good news so that the beast won't eat them.

"I know you don't like this, Rexy. We all don't like it either but we need you to fight that beast to save Jurassic World and everything on this island. You're the only one that's bigger to fight her" Shadow said to her.

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