Spinosaur vs Indominus Rex

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Sonic tried to talk to Dr. Wu but was thrown out of the lab room by the lab scientists. This made the blue hedgehog slam his fist on the metal door in anger.

"Damn it!" he growled lowly.

"What happened?" Amy asked him.

"I couldn't talk to him. He made his men throw me out of the lab room. He won't tell me what that hybrid beast is made of" Sonic said.

"Well I got an idea" Tails said with a smirk.


Dr. Wu was in his lab and was a bit pissed that Sonic demanded what he made Indominus Rex being part of. Then a knock was heard again, and a snarling noise.

"Oh god. Alright come in. I know it's the raptors" Dr. Wu rolled his eyes, not caring who it is. He opens the door and Sonic came in, having Shadow's raptors with him.

"Dr. Wu, speak to me what Indominus is made of or you are gonna be spin-dashed" Sonic said menacingly.

"Fine, just keep the raptors away. You asked me to make something scarier, bigger and uh.....yes, Cooler as you said in your PM" Dr. Wu said.

"I didn't ask for a monster. Tell me how I.rex can camouflage and remove her body temperature" Sonic asked.

"First, she got DNA from a tree-frog to fit in the climate and cuttlefish was used for her camouflage. A cat is a monster to a mouse. And also, it was not just me who made Indominus, it was Ovi Kintobor also" Dr. Wu said. Sonic was a bit shocked.

"Grrrrrr......." the raptors growled lowly for hearing this and for creating a hybrid monster that is a lot stronger and clever than any pure dinosaurs.

"He and I created Indominus and her sister together. I didn't know that would happen. We always fill in gaps in Dino-DNA, if it was different they would not look like how they do today" Dr. Wu said.

Sonic sighs and sits down on a chair, "Yes. I may not fire you but you are responsible still. I need to help Shadow and Nebula now. The raptors are coming with me. Good bye Dr. Wu" he said.

Later Sonic arrived at the main street where Amy was.


"Well Sonic, how was the talk with Wu?" Amy asked.

"Dr. Wu said that Indominus has genes from tree frogs and cuttlefish that helps her remove her body heat and camouflaging. He gave me a file to what else is mixed in her. She's part Giganotosaurus, Majungasaurus, Carnotaurus, Rugops, Therizionosaurus, T-Rex, Velociraptor, pit viper, and unspecified number of modern animals. Also he was not alone creating her and her late sister" Sonic said.

"My god. We better warn everyone now. I'll evacuate the visitors from the Main Street in the computer room by the speakers, you'll go out and help Shadow" Amy said.

"Yeah. Oh, and you're gonna need a raptor by your side just in case something happens to the park and everything" Sonic said.

"Okay, but none of them can't be in the computer room. But never mind" Amy said and walks her way to the computer room.

"Alright Shadow, Nebula and Scarlet. Here I come" Sonic said and ran past the visitors in the Main Street to the personal only gate into the forest.


Deep in the jungle, the Spinosaurus who fought Rexy and the raptors in the Isla Nublar incident years ago was in her paddock and was snatching fish in the water. After these years she was a bit grumpy and feral in personality, growling at anything that's near her.

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