Happy Ending

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I'm sure some of you guys seen Jurassic Park I and Jurassic World that has the scenes of closing the park. Well this time, I'm gonna make this chapter to have the park opened.

When I was young, I thought Rexy was the main antagonist but she wasn't. It was Big One the raptor that is the main antagonist. So that makes Rexy the good dinosaur. She even spared Blue's life and leaves. In the first old film, she even saved the humans' life by grabbing Big One in her teeth. Yup, I guess that probably makes Rexy the main protagonist and anti-hero.

In this story, I made Rexy be friendly to the humans and mobians. Something similar like from the movie Land of the Lost 2009. Where Grumpy the T-Rex was helping Marshall and his friends get back home.


At the big pool, Knuckles was throwing large fishes into the water to feed the mosasaurus, he was wondering if she is still hungry after drowning Indominus Rex into the water.

"Come out big girl, it's your breakfast time!" Knuckles shouted.

He waited patiently until the mosasaurus swam up and ate the fishes at the surface, then she splashes her paddle tail in the water making Knuckles almost lose balance.

"Whoa whoa!" Knuckles fell into the water but managed to get up again.

"There on the boat is Knuckles, he just feed our mosasaurus with fish and let's not laugh at this please. The mosasaurus is very hungry all the time" Sonic said, "And quite a little shy sometimes"

"Okay, she's 30 meters or what?" Blaze asked.

"She's 22 meters long, it was not easy to clone her" Sonic said.

"Knuckles, you need a hand here?" Rouge shouted out to him.

"No I'm fine Rouge. I am on the boat again!" Knuckles shouted, starting the motor on the boat to get back on land. He came to the bridge and got up there.

"Yup, that's Knuckles" Sonic said to the camera.

"Hello there folks, is it filming?" Knuckles asked, they all nodded, "Okay, now I am the keeper of the Mosasaurus as you can see"

"Okay Tails, you can stop film now" Sonic tells Tails. Tails stopped filming on his iPhone and puts it back into his pocket.

"That was great. Should we film the gyrospheres?" Tails asked.

"Eh, maybe later. Right now we need to help the other workers in the Main Street" Sonic said.

"Okay then. This time we let the dinosaurs have a break, Rexy needs her wounds to be healed and we need replacement sauropods later" Tails said.


A while later, Nebula heads in the T-Rex paddock to check on Rexy's wounds.

"Hey, Rexy. How are you feeling, big girl?" Nebula asked. Rexy gave a sign of 'doing great' and looks at her bandages.

"That's good, Rexy. You sure you wanna have another T-rex living with you? It's okay if you say no" Nebula said. Rexy thought for a moment and shook her head as in 'no thanks, I'm okay being the only T-Rex on this island'.

"Okay. Don't worry, Rexy" Nebula said as she strokes Rexy's snout, "The claw marks will heal in no time. I know you don't like the bandages but it's the only way to help stop the bleeding. Okay?"

Rexy nodded and lets Nebula pet her snout since she's very kind and gentle.

"I'll see you later, Rexy" Nebula said and walks away.

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