Flying Pterosaurs

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"I better hope Indominus Rex doesn't get there. We need to get there to make sure" Silver said, driving his jeep in the jungle while Zena is running.

"Got any scent yet, Zena?" Silver asked.

Zena sniffed in the air and then screeches when she got something on her nose.

"Good girl. Run that way" Silver followed Zena to where she got the scent.

They came across the jungle near some dinosaur paddocks and they found foot-prints on the ground. Silver stopped the jeep and checked the footprints.

"She has been here recently, so better be careful. Indominus can camouflage" Silver said to Zena.

Just then, his walkie talkie received a static communication from Sonic, "Silver, you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here. What is it?" Silver said through his walkie talkie.

"I see the Indominus. She's heading to the bird cage! The aviary!" Sonic said.

"I'm on my way, Sonic! I found her footprints and they are fresh. Try to distract Indominus away from the aviary or else the pterosaurs will come to the Main Street! Silver out" Silver said and puts down her walkie talkie, getting into his jeep again and drove away with Zena following her.


Shadow, Scarlet, and Nebula already saw the Indominus heading to the aviary but the problem is they can't get too close to that beast or they'll get eaten. They are no match for this evil beast.

"Shit! She's almost there to the bird cage! This is so not good!" Nebula said.

"We need to distract her! Come with me" Shadow said and they ran to the direction where the aviary is. They left their car behind since they were close and they were careful to not be spotted by the Indominus Rex who ran about three hundred meters away.

"Run faster!" Shadow yelled.

"I am running!" Scarlet and Nebula shouted. When they came closer, they saw many trees that have been knocked down and birds flying away from Indominus Rex. Luckily it was not the pterosaurs.

"Phew, but let's hurry before she gets there!" Scarlet said and ran to the direction Indominus went to. She began see the hybrid and it was getting closer.

"Oh, shit!" Shadow saw that the beast is already ahead to the glass dome.

"Too late!" Scarlet gasps.

The Indomius ran into the glass dome with the steel bars and it made up a large hole into the aviary. Then she let out a loud roar to scare all the types of pterosaurs away, four quetzalcoatlus, 20 pteranodons and 40 dimorphodons were flying out through the large hole Indominus Rex made and they flied directly into the sky.


"Oh no. Better hope Rouge or someone else has a pterosaur whistle pipe!" Silver saw the pterosaurs in his car.

"Silver, we gotta get into the thick trees! NOW!!!" Sonic said through the walkie talkie.

"Okay, Come on Zena!" Silver shouted and turns his jeep around and Zena followed him.


Shadow, Nebula and Scarlet ran back into the woods and so did Sonic with Jackie. The Indominus then ran out from the aviary and growls for herself and walks into the jungle again. Some of the dimorphodons flies down near Sonic and Jackie and this made Sonic given no choice but to spin-dash at some of them and Jackie biting one of them.

"No way. I know what she's trying to do! She's trying to follow the flying things to where the park is!" Scarlet said.

"I better tell them on the computer room" Shadow takes out his walkie talkie and dials to the center.

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