Part 4

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"Son of a crisped golden nugget!" I heard The Raven say, somehow from two hundred feet away. "How did they escape!"

It was obvious how we escaped. That feather-clad fool should have known better than to leave a very large, clear, open window in an occupied jail cell.

"That was like, the hundredth time he arrested us," Brent said, somehow still alive and willing to forgive the very people who pushed him out a window a second ago.

"He should have really gotten some better security by now," Hayden pointed out. "I mean, in a realistic situation he probably would, but since this is a poorly written fanfiction, I guess he just decided to put the military budget towards a new frozen yogurt machine."

"Because everybody knows evil bird-dressed dictators love their frozen yogurt," Andrew added. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Why are we just standing here?" Dave asked, saying what we all were probably thinking. This was highly dangerous, but I guess that was alright since we were tired.

"Oh my god, look Becky!" An obnoxiously high pitched voice said from behind me.

I flipped around, to see one of those bird guards chatting with a colleague. They both were wearing Uggs and yoga pants, and clutched a Starbucks drink in each of their hands.

"What the hell?" I said out loud.

"Oh don't mind us," the bird man said. "It's just that, the author felt this story was missing a basic white girl, and to make the story like every other one on Wattpad, decided to add us."

"Yeah, totes," said the other guard.

I didn't find this strange at all. Not one bit. Nope. My life was so peculiar that even white girls dressed as birds working for the government were completely normal.

"We should run," Andrew said, as if we had time to spare. Without another word, I began running in no particular direction.

Then, a gunshot was fired.

I turned dramatically, my face falling (well, not really) as I saw who it hit.

Of course, the bullet just happened to hit the least significant member of the group, Brent.

"OH MY GOD HE'S DYING!" Brandon cried out, only drawing more attention to us. Everyone else began screaming as well.

We were definitely going to die.

Well, I thought we were. Until I saw Benn riding towards us on his horse that I didn't bother to mention earlier.

"Benn!" I cried out, jumping on the horse quickly. We were best friends now, despite never exchanging words.

We rode towards the others, hoping we'd be able to fit the rest onto the horse.

You know, Benn was actually quite attractive. Maybe I should've dated him. Because he was attractive. And clearly that's all I look for in guys.

We made it to the others just as a group of bird people surrounded us. "Oh dear," Brent said in a monotone voice. He was shot, and probably should have been screaming, but I guess not.

I pulled the others onto the horse, though they were grown men and probably could have done it themselves.

"Oh my god," I gasped, looking around. "There's only room for six people on his horse!" It happened to be a very large horse.

"One of us has to stay behind!" Hayden shouted as he climbed onto the horse. Clearly he didn't intend on being the one left behind.

"We should really leave the one whose injured," Benn said to me, thus marking the first time we had ever spoke.

"Lmao not today," Brent said. He then shoved Benn off the horse and began riding away gracefully.

Benn had died an anticlimatic death, just like how Andrew predicted.

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